Pain and simple

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T\W sexual abuse + assault
Buzzy pov

Katerina lays on the floor they broke her foot an I wasn't here to stop it. I feeling the a fucking failure of a friend. Once again I couldn't save Catalina nor Katerina.

I'm hiding in a closet , since Colten told me not to go in the room yet I couldn't help myself.

If he really didn't want me in here he shouldn't have said anything at all.

She looks exhausted their waiting for doctor Harris to get here.

Nigel pats Colten on the back "next time you'll be doing it." He says proudly. I shudder. He hovers Katerina's helpless body running his fingers up her stomach. "Pretty belly button piercing." He touches all over her stomach. He runs his fingers down her face pulling at her bottom lip. I gag.

"She really is gorgeous I can see why you fuck her so much." Nigel spits out he almost sounds jealous Colten snickers. I suppress the disgusting feeling in my stomach. "So that's what this about your jealous?" Colten questions Nigel.i hold in a sharp breath.

"No this is about you becoming the mafia Don of New York it won't be your first time and can't be your last time breaking someone's legs." Well considering he didn't break her leg Im gonna assume neither of those options are possible.

Nigel runs fingers higher up her stomach putting them under her shirt. My throat tightens. Colten reaches down grabbing Nathaniel hand tightly twisting it in a arm breaking motion. "Don't touch her." Something scary takes over his face. Protective? No possessive. Like she's nothing more than an object to him.

"Colten she's got enough tits for both of us I know your not big on sharing-" I nearly gag.

"Your right I'm not big on sharing So get the fuck out before you take her place." He threatens. So Colten will let Nathaniel break her leg but no groping her unconscious body. Nigel leaves with one more insult what do you care about the filthy slut anyway." Nigel hisses before shutting the door. Colten leans down pressing two fingers against her neck a rushed painful moan leaves her mouth her eyes flinch the skin moist.

He looked like he was going set her on the bed after Nathaniel left but instead he leaves with a loud curse. And a sharp kick to the dresser that breaks it. As it falls down sideways barely missing Katerina's body. "Shit." I curse. I flinch "A peaceful death is what you deserve." Colten utters to her

Dr. Kenny Harris pov
I enter the room. I've been in too many times mostly treating bullet wounds. i stop in my tracks I immediately see a drugged girl laying on the floor with a pained face sweat covers her entire body and she breaths unevenly she's unconscious.

My eyes trail down her body to her foot I furrow my brows in confusion her foot is bent nearly backwards at an unnatural angle as serve deadly looking bruising forms on her foot all around the ankle bone and the foot itself. And internal bleeding.

"What the hell did you do to her." I ask as fury fill me nothing she could've done would make her deserve this kind of pain. I'm scared to touch it cause It will cause is more pain for her.

I definitely did not bring enough morphine to numb her pain. "You could've killed her she can still die." I stammer bending down. "Phhs how" he snorts like This is some kind of game reply "trauma to the foot can injure adjacent nerves and blood vessels, sometimes actually tearing them." I explain "she's our best stripper so fix her." he rolls his eyes leaving my jaw ticks. These fucking people know they ca treat people how ever they want and they take advantage of it.

"I have to reset her bone or this could do further damage. Sedate her and take to the hospital." I explain to the remaining people she needs to be awake she also needs surgery considering her bones are probably shattered.
"Give her the blue one. Again" I tell Dallas she puts it in her Iv I don't have enough morphine I'll have to reset the bone while she can feel it all of it. "Hold her down" I add So she doesn't hurt herself further. Floyd takes a leg Dallas takes both her arms.

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