Its whats is good for us

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I get up early knowing Colten plans on taking Emilianna and I to the ballet school

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I get up early knowing Colten plans on taking Emilianna and I to the ballet school. Just to speculate see if it's a good fit.

I put her shoes on and put her hair in a little bow her little legs in a pink tutu and a white shirt with a baby Phat fur coat I thrifted.

She's so cute in her little pink outfit matching with the different shades of pink a monochromatic pink.

I grab her hand as I hear a knock on the door it shakes my rusty door a bit I open it Colten big body takes up my entire door frame "big man?" I murmur Emilia wiggles into my leg brought you water bottle. He says "it's oddly small for me but appreciate-" it's for her he says I shake my head I figured I just wanted you to say it I hand it back to him you give it to her she's not comfortable around me I'd rather not she'll get there if you stop treating her like a kitten.

He lowers down to her height or he tries he's still much too big to be her actual height but it's the thought that counts. He hands her the sippy cup water bottle with little strawberries she takes it smiling Thank you her cheeks beam with color I run my fingers threw her curls. She lifts her chin up my eyes are like yours she says happily with a huge smile on her beautiful face. Yeah huh I bend down to her level I cress his face with one hand and her with the other "you do have the same eye color." She ducks her head in my neck "can you tell Colten your name sita?" "Emiweanna" she attempts a pronunciation He holds out his big hand Colten he says in not the warmest tone but it's an effort.

I lift her up she takes his hand her hand sweeping around his one finger. I tilt my head kissing her cheeks. I shut the door locking it. Following next to Colten. Emilianna loosens up around him a bit she starts pointing out little things while we walk down the steps.

He looks around like he's out on bail. "You good you look nervous?" I ask him he shrugs "I'm fine."
"So you reconsidered." He says I nod my head. We walk to his white suv "I thought you had a different car?" I ask he shrugs opening the back door with the car seat. I give him a grateful look without saying anything.

He leans against the car while I buckle her in shifting everything so Emilia's comfortable. "May I ask why?" He says rather politely I snort "no you may not." I snark shooting him an eye roll. "Good" I ask "yes momma." I kiss her forehead shutting the door.

He then opens mines. "come on one hint." He ask "well then I'm so such a sucker for a pretty face. curiosity" I say honestly his lips tip into a devilish smirk. His eyes the color of a gloomy day. "but you have to promise me something." I turn around in my seat to face him. he looks away i tilt his chin downwards to me "this doesn't touch her." I swear
"I promise your daughter will never be involved." He says in a 'mark my words tone' "I don't even want him to know she exists." I say my words coming out degrading. As if I'm speaking about someone beneath me   "I agree." With that I buckle up my seatbelt my mood on more serious issues.

But I'm thinking of the way his pupils dilated when I grabbed his chin. He almost looked submissive. But Colten couldn't even if he tried.

He drives to a 20 story building with glass all on the first and second floor. I enter the fancy building Emilia looks flushed overwhelmed. My body's become hot all of a sudden "this place is fancy like crazy fancy." The pink and grey marble flooring I hold her hand a women sits At a fancy desk with an over the top chair.

Her blue eyes reach mine then Coltens she does a triple take at him before she finally settles on me. Yes he's a big attractive man let's move on. His ego doesn't need the boost.

"Do you have an appointment?" I open my mouth but end up nodding my head "Emilia De Lombardi?" she says "here" Emilia little voice chirps up so excitedly. I grin bending lowering and I pick her up.

The women smiles "well aren't you a beautiful girl"
"Thank you" Emilia replies blushing and ducking her face in my cleavage "you look just like your dad." The women says and burst of confusion all over Emilia's face "I don't have a d-" she starts in her itty bitty voice "okay enough of that" I blow a kiss on Emilia's cheek causing her to burst out into innocent laughter.

Um we have an appointment Colten clears his throat making this so painfully awkward she nods standing up "right this way" we follow her threw the classy expensive building Emilia's eyes light up as we walk threw the whole place she sees dancers. You can put her in heat if you'd like there's a fully glass room with mirrors a bunch of little girls in tutus pink bows and black leotards.

Spinning with there tiny hands in the air. Um I swallow feeling the part that's gonna be the hardest for me not being there all the time for her. Not being able to make sure nothing happens to her. I pause licking my lips Emilia looks at me so excited I see her down inhaling I nod my head letting her go in with the young women who looks rather safe.

We run background checks on all of our employees a women voice who I don't recognize is saying it as my shy daughter walks ina room full of little girls her age and she fits in.
She fits in too well her energy and little ballerina hops.

"Her name is Isabel." The woman voice continues as Isabel interacts with my baby girl. Isabel's about my age. blonde ,deep blue eyes ,narrow face.

She guides Emilia to the of little toddlers group who all welcome her. I exhale grateful.

I turn to the women finally being able to breathe
"Katerina" I say exhaling I hold out my hand "that's Emilia" I glance back at her.
"Vivian" She says holding out her hand the women who this is named after the owner I put on my big girl pants. I look at her she's much taller than I am .

"This Is Colten" I say grabbing his arm feeling a little brave she smiles "let's talk in my office." Her British accent and warm voice coaxes me. She understands my worries and knows how rational I'm being about a stand her spending hours with my kid a day.

The Blue Hearted Devil HimselfWhere stories live. Discover now