Growing like mold

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We're back at my apartment making it to the door

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We're back at my apartment making it to the door. I dig in my purse for my keys.
Shaking my head
"I grew a piece of you in my stomach for nine months don't I deserve some recognition." I tell him he shrugs walking me to my door.

"Alright fine you were that-" his big body takes up most of the room.
"Katerina." a familiar voice pops up behind me as I take out my key Emilia's holding her ice cream cone and holding mine to she looks goofy holding things. Those little hands clasped around thumb usually bring tears of joy to my eyes.

I turn to see Oliver well he goes by Cal.

"Hey" I say I open the door for Emilianna but we all stay outside besides her I turn on the light she put the ice cream on table running to her toy bin "I'll be just outside okay?" I say leaving the door wide open. "Otay." She repeats back to me.

My apartment would feel unruly cramped if these two big men tried to fit inside it. "Cal this is Colten Colten this is Cal." I introduce them both Colten becomes rather quiet but hey what's new. Cal looks at him and there's a brief wave of awareness smiles holding his hand out I exhale I wasn't too scared.

Colten can be rather possessive sometimes not in the sensible way just the Colten way like you can break my foot in front of him but don't slap my ass.

I look down at my leg. How it still hurts more than it should when I stub my toe I'm on pain killers on and off. I can't breast feed when I take them but the pain is really awful sometimes.

"You must be Emilia's father." Cal says "what a detective" I murmured loosely giggling Colten stands quiet but shakes his hand regardless well he was quiet at first "what made you think that?"
"Your eyes goober." I kick his standing
"He's met Emilianna?" Colten questions scratching his chin it's a little scruffy his eyes narrow slightly he's annoyed perhaps or just upset "yes." I say softly he looks down at me his hand lands on my back his thumb resting on my spine.

She's beautiful you-" "I know." Colten shrugs mama Emilianna calls me I walk back in leaving them with an awkward curtsey. "Mama it's raining" I look outside. "no it's not raining silly girl."
I fix Emilia's hair like she asked me to. Pressing a kiss to her face. I get up furrow my brows I see a big stain on the ground.

It looks like rusty water stain it smells like mold.

I look up seeing a dark black spot on the ceiling it's wet I lift up Emilia it's my neighbors floor. I look back Coltens stood in the doorframe "is that mold?" I ask Cal pokes his head in Emilianna eyes follow I sniff her hair "her rain" is harmful and can totally get her sick.

"I'll check it out." Cal says walking out he has a stride to his walk rather sexy. He so damn tall. I mean Colten is massive and we look odd standing next to each other.
"it's Ms Rundoff I'll come she don't like strangers can you watch her for a second please?" I ask Colten he doesn't look like he's capable of it he looks nervous. "She's an easy toddler" I say Emilianna shuffles in my arms.

I turn on the tv for her in my room keeping her far away from the spot "Stand here don't let her climb on anything or put anything in her mouth." I sat patting him on the back "except for what's in the bowl." He looks at me then down at Emilianna I'll be back okay I kiss her head she nods bouncing.

I've been dealing with a lot I'm sorry i- don't worry about you don't owe me anything I appreciate you for being upfront with me. It's refreshing. We walk up the stairs has he contracted you?"
"No." I lie "I always contact him."
"I meant your father." I swallow making a mental note to remind myself to ask Colten about it. I really only got the courage to ask as when Cal brought it up.

He knocks on the door I call out her name he knocks harder announcing he's FBI I can slightly hear water running. "The waters on." i whisper he pulls my arm behind him knocking once more he kicks down the door.

I wince at the smell mold it smells like a dead ferret and mold.

I follow him to the bathroom above my living room. Her body rips a scream out of my throat. I stumble back holding my hand over my mouth as she lies dead and rotted in the overfilled bathtub. I vomit in a nearby plant Cal call it in. The smell is horrible. "How did this happen?" I gasp he shakes his head guiding me out of the apartment.

A 4 hours go by in 8 hour motion longest four gourd ever. police crowd the apartments SUV's cops talking to everyone and the landlord manger janitor.
I've been interviewed a couple times. I sit on the bottom step Emilianna asleep in my lap Colten has disappeared.

I'm gonna have to find a hotel for two weeks the mold has spread throughout the floor leading to my home and it's toxic and needs to be replaced.

I lift her up I need to pack a couple things I hear my phone ring. It'sReece  he's calling me back from the modeling office. He does lingerie very erotic photographer. I'll call him later. We're pretty close he books me when I need the cash.

I bite on my lower lip Katerina I lift my head up Colten. "Hey" I say not questioning how he got into my apartment. Emilianna is asleep in her little chair
"packing for something?"  He asks sitting down while I stuff my suitcase and backpack full.

"The woman who lived upstairs she passed. The mold is spreading everywhere it's toxic and the fireman says we need to be out. While they fix it up.." his brows shift "where are you gonna go?" I shrug "I'll figure it out a hotel motel probably." I stuff Emilia's baby blanket in a duffle filled with the rest of her things "the cops still here?" I nod upstairs "talking pictures. She might've been murdered." I murmur feeling a rush of fear in my cheeks.

He stands up resting his hand on my lower back.
"stay with me."
I turn around "what?"
"I want you to stay with me you and your daughter."  I turn around "You live with a bunch of people." I think I've learned my lesson
"Not anymore I live alone it's for two weeks." He says rather convincingly "us living together isn't a good idea Colten we been here before-" I try to talk myself out of it I want to say yes but it's all for Emilianna. What's best for Emilia.

"we'll keep our hands to ourselves."

I tilt my head. fine. Two weeks hands to ourselves. How hard could that be.

The Blue Hearted Devil HimselfWhere stories live. Discover now