Gone With The Wind

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Narrators pov:

Pony went and got the book and headed back to where Johnny was at.

When pony is upset about something he would read to calm him down. And that's what Johnny is trying to do.

Ponys pov:

Johnny told me to go get the boom and read it too him... he must know how bad I am panicking...

I just can't get over the face I am a murder...I killed bob Sheldon... all on me...

I got the book and sat back down in my spot and Johnny put his head on my shoulder trying to keep warm.

"Go on pony, read to me." Johnny begged me to read him the book.

He knows when I read it calms me down a lot, and I know that's why he wanted me to read to him.

Once I started reading, I started to calm down a lot and than after a few minutes I heard soft snores...

I knew Johnny was asleep, I folded the top of the page as my book mark.

Soon my eyes started to get heavier and heavier and soon I feel asleep. Which was kinda hard to do when the image of me killing bob was in my head left and right.

At sunrise:

I got up bright and early and slowly moved away and let Johnny sleep. I wanted some time to thing of what happened and I knew it wasn't good.

I didn't get much sleep, I kept on worrying about my brothers and how I killed bob. Man I am such a screw up!

I looked up at the sky and saw it was rising... man it's beautiful, I live sunrises and sunsets. It makes me feel safe and warm inside...they are just amazing.

I was admiring the sunrise when I heard Johnny, I turn my head and saw he was standing there yawning.

"How did you sleep?" I asked him and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay I guess...I felt you move and so I was wondering where you were going." Johnny said honestly and went and stood next to me admiring the view.

"Pony...do you hear that." Johnny said to me and I heard the rumbles of a car. I started to slowly panic on the inside, I don't want to worry johnny more with my problems.

My mind to went to Socs, but than I saw dally driving it and parked his car and went to us. I felt so relieved it wasn't the Socs, that would of been a massive mess.

Narrators pov:

Dally got out of his car and went to pony and Johnny that were standing there watching the sunrise.

"What are you doing up this early Dal?" Johnny asked and he shrugged his shoulders and went to face pony.

"Pony your brothers are worried about you...when are you going to spill that you killed bob." Dally said and pony went pale and looked down.

"Dal! Pony just got that image out of his head." Johnny said and dally put his hands up in defeat.

Dally didn't know that he did get that horrible image out of his head...

Dally followed pony into the church so he could apologize for what he had said to pony.

Ponys pov:

When dally came to me and told me about how much my brothers are worried about me, and how I killed bob...

...I just got that image out of my head...

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