Medical Problems

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Narrators pov:

Right after pony passed out the nurses pushed the gang out the door and the nurses worked on pony.

The gang went to Dallas room and saw him arguing with the nurses, and Dallas saw them and saw they had tears in their faces.

"Gets these no good nurses away from me." Dally snarled and wanted the nurses to leave him alone.

Once they did the gang went in there and was hanging around, and dally saw that pony wasn't there.

"How bad is the kid?" Dally said lighting up a cancer stick and smoking it.

"He passed out right when the doctors came on in to check up on him." Steve said looking at the floor.

"Dal how are you is the burn?" Johnny asked and Dal just looked at him and shrugged his shoulders.

"I am fine, I am more concerned about the did he get it the worst." Dally said and sodas eyes started watering again.

"M-my kid brother is going to make it..." soda said and Darry went over to soda and soda just sobbed into his arms.

"Soda he is going to make it...he is pony after all...the man that saved Johnny, pony is a hero." Darry said and was rubbing his back trying to calm him down.

"Can we go to the cafeteria now? I heard the chocolate cake is good here." Steve trying to cheer up soda.

"Come on soda you need to eat something, pony would want your to eat." Two-but said and soda nodded and followed him out the door to the cafeteria.


The gang except for dally and pony went to the cafeteria to get something to eat, since they are starving.

They got there food and began eating at the cafeteria and they saw nurses run down to pony's room and soda stood up in fear for his kid brother.

"Soda sit! We can't go back there even if we tried to we will get kicked out." Darry said trying to reason with soda but he wasn't having it.

"Yeah as you guys are eating my kid brother is fighting for he life in the hospital...he should be home having a movie night." Soda said looking down in fear.

"Soda buddy calm down...he saved Johnny twice, he will make it." Steve said trying to calm down soda.

"Yeah little buddy it's alright you need to calm down, we will see pony soon and you two can talk and hang out in his hospital room." Darry said fo soda and soda just nodded his head.

Soda is starting to calm down a lot more and Darry is rubbing his back trying his best to calm down he other kid brother.

"You calm now soda? Are do you still need help?" Darry asked and soda shook his head no and was finally calming down.

"Nope I am good just hurry up and eat, I want to see pony and dally." Soda said in a hurry to see his kid brother in the hospital.

"Alrighty soda we are almost done, and soon we will see him." Darry said and it made soda smile a bit.

"Yay! Now hurry." Soda said demanding to see pony and got nervous when more doctors left the hallway to pony's room.

"Guys hurry up they don't have good looks on their faces...what if pony has passed away...hurry." Soda said with tears going down his face.

Once everyone was done eating they clean up there area and soda rushed to pony's room and the gang following right behind him.

Ponys pov:

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