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Hey guys! How are you? I hit 1k on tiktok! Anyways I hope you have an amazing day and night! Enjoy!


Ponys pov:

I was looking over my brothers and the gang, and just seeing them sad made me sad...they can't be sad over my decisions.

I want them to be there for each other, how about a butterfly coming into the house, to show it's me!


I made a blue butterfly and it lands my old desk, and than soda and Darry look at it and now they should tell stories to each other.

Than I see them smile and telling stories, and it brightens me up, seeing them happy makes me happy.

They are the best brothers out there and they deserve so much more than just an annoying kid brother like me.

Than I slowly see soda falling asleep, and Darry not moving where he is at, man I really want to go over to them and hug them for everything they have done.

I slowly smiled and I backed away knowing they are happy. With our without me they deserve more.

Sodapops pov:

I was crying snuggling Darry and just overall a huge mess. I miss my baby brother and now he is gone.

Just than a blue butterfly came in and sat on pony's desk. Is it pony? I started to smile like a huge baby.

I nudge Darry and he looks at the butterfly and we both smile like idiots.

But we knew that our baby brother is now in a happy place with our parents hanging around.

I just want to hug him one last time, just one more time...I can't even...his smile, his laugh he was the best little brother ever!

I missed him but than the butterfly moved to the bed and it was in front of Darry and I. I knew deep down it was my baby brother.

"H-how are you little buddy..?" Darry said softly looking at the butterfly and then it flew and it landed on a picture of pony. Darry and I were in shock.

It was showing us that pony was okay. Even though I miss him I can't move on from him. I would never ever move on from him.

I knew deep down he was showing himself to me, he was he was doing it! I felt happy that he was.

Just than the butterfly left and than my happiness went with it, it's like I was connected to that butterfly.

I don't know how to describe it...I am part of that butterfly... I am part of pony, he is my baby brother mine to me, no one else well except for Darry but I am his kid brother.

Darry and I yawn and we both fall asleep and are heads connects as we sleep. We both dream and we drifted off into the dream.

Narrators pov:

Soda and Darry are sleeping when pony burst through the door confused.

"Umm is this like a thing I missed are what?" Pony said and soda and Darry "woke up" they were shocked that they could see their baby brother.

"Pony? Is that really you?" Soda asked and pony looked confused and slowly nodded his head wondering what was wrong with his brothers.

"Yeah why? It is me? Something happen?" Pony asked and Darry pulls him in for a bug hug and soda joins as well.

It was like a dean come true for them, all they wanted was there baby brother to be okay and now here he is standing in front of them confused as ever.

"Pone it was just a nightmare we had..." soda said and Darry just kept holding him not believing what is happening.

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