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Hey guys! It's coming to an end soon :(. I would be so proud of myself one this is out and finished. Anyways I have a TikTok @ponyshairgel. So yeah go follow that. Anyways I am thinking of a new story so let me know. Anyways some parts maybe triggering so yeah! Also some parts were suggested by people on what I should do, and yeah some of their ideas are here so if you see yours here you go!

TW: death, self harm, suicidal thoughts, suicide, abuse, abusive parents, eating disorder

Anyways enjoy!


Sodas pov:

Just as I found pony like that, Darry carried him into our room. And laid him down. The gang followed like lost puppies.

Darry laid pony down. And I just looked at him...he looked dead...he was pale and burnt. And didn't have his color and his personality anymore.

"You guys have to wake up. You guys are gonna be late." Pony said and just them I sat up and I saw pony's purple jacket beside me.

It was a dream...? Why do I keep having those dreams...? I just want pony...

I felt tears coming up, and my body was sweaty. Just like how pony was when he got his nightmares. No, don't think about him.

I got up and I stood there i was really dizzy...I guess for not eating in a certain amount of days makes you dizzy.

I shuffled out of the room and I went down stairs. Darry didn't talk, he just made breakfast and went to his room. Not a single word from him.

He is working a lot more then he should. The death of pony is making everyone go crazy. Darry works to much, doesn't eat a lot, and never takes care of himself. I am the same, I picked up more shifts, never eat, and never take care of myself. Steve isn't Steve anymore, I know pony and him had there ups and downs but he did care for the kid a lot. Twobit won't joke anymore, not laugh, and if he does it's a fake one, and hasn't had a single chocolate cake since. Dallas...Dallas is going insane, he is getting in more trouble, and less caring about himself. Johnny, poor Johnny, Johnny is more miserable, Johnny is lost without my baby brother.

I shuffled my way into the kitchen and looked at the food...I don't want to eat it...I don't...but I have to...for pony.

I had a few bites and man did it feel good. I haven't eaten in a few days. And eating after awhile feels good. Like really good.

Just then Steve and twobit walked in. Not joking around and not wrestling each other. They all just came in and were gloomy.

Dallas and Johnny came in last, Dallas was taking cigarette after cigarette. One after another. No one dared to stop him, no one had the motivation to actually do anything.

I got my DX shirt on and Darry got his tools. He doesn't speak anymore to anyone. Just some stuff but not a lot.

Darry's pov:

I woke up again, wishing I didn't. I caused this! I did! Pony would be alive if I had just said "okay go to bed and we will talk in the morning"! But no I had to push him.

I cried softly into my pillow. I miss him, I miss mom, and I miss dad. Pony had a life a head of him.

I went into my bathroom that was connected to my room. And I grabbed a razor blade and went to my arms.

I don't care anymore...I lost him....I lost my little brother. I am such an idiot. How could someone do such things.

I got out of my room and put a shirt on. I don't speak anymore, I don't eat anymore, I don't take care of myself anymore.

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