Is this goodbye?

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HEY GUYS! I just want to say thank you so much for the love and support on this account, and on this book! Like thank you so much! Anyway let's get into this sad chapter! Hehe!


Pony boys pov:

"...Johnny..." I huffed out and Johnny looked at me with worry in those bug puppy dog eyes and came closer to me.

"Yes pony?" Johnny said coming closer to me and looking over me.

"...remember the fire..." I huffed out and that's all I saw besides darkness...

"KID DONT YOU DARE GO ON US!!" Dallas screamed and I was out like a light...

...the next thing I knew I was in a meadow..?

I looked around and I saw all my burns were gone, everything was gone, I looked around I was was in a beautiful meadow with a bunch of flowers.

Was I dead? Am I heaven? Where am I?

All those thoughts running through my mind when I saw a cloud and I saw Dallas and Johnny looking over me?

...Omg...I am dead...that's when I heard a voice behind me...I knew that voice anywhere...

"Hey pony! So your dead too?" Bob asked and I shrugged my shoulders and he gave me a small smile.

Now I am definitely confused...Bob nice to me? After I killed him? I am beyond confused for the life of me.

"We are dead, and I decided you guys deserved's just everything going on are what was going on." Bob said and sighed, man I felt bad, I killed him and he is nice to me.

Bob and I just talked about our past and everything, like what happened to my mom and dad and how his doesn't barley pays attention to him and how they don't say no.

Johnnys pov:

"...remember the fire.." pony said and he huffed out and then passed best friend...

I broke down crying, my best friend just died in front of me! I kept on crying and crying.

Dallas ran off and I went to go chase him but he was gone by now...I just gave up I started walking back to the Curtis...

Oh am I supposed to tell them pony is dead..? Huh? I am so angry at pony, I am so angry at myself...I angry at everyone.

I started walking to the house when I opened up the door gently and everyone was this is gonna be hard.

Steve laid down on the couch he looked like he had broken ribs and he hates hospitals so he would most likely want them to heal on there own.

Darry sat in his recliner just playing with his fingers as he looks real nervous, and soda he was sitting down beside Steve just talking about how excited they are that they won.

Two-bit was getting beer and cake to celebrate...until I am about to tell them the news...the news that the youngest greaser had passed away...

Darry looked at me and saw how worried I was...he instantly sat up and asked me if I was okay...time to break the news...

"Ponys dead.." I mumbled and none of them seemed to hear me but soda sat up knowing this is going be huge news to take in.

"What?" Soda asked and I had to's only fair to them if they know there kid brother is dead are not.

"Ponys dead." I said and everyone went silent, Darry sat up with tears going down his face, soda lost it.

Soda started sobbing, Darry did too, they hugged each other and two and Steve looked at me confused.

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