Holding Me Close

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Hey guys how are you? Anyways I just wanted to let you guys know some parts in here maybe triggering for most viewers so yeah. Anyways enjoy:)

TW: self harm, abuse, suicidal thoughts, swearing


Ponys pov:

I felt both of my brothers fall asleep on me cuddling me. It hurt so damn bad but i don't care they are my brothers. And I love them very much.

I wouldn't change them for the world, they are my brothers. I love them so much. I was lost in thought when I heard some soft snores.

Soda was fast asleep and Darry was also sleeping, I was in the middle and they were on either side of me. Cuddling me and holding me close.

Just then twobit came barging in, it looks like soda and Darry didn't get a lot of sleep and I wanted them to sleep. They need sleep so bad, they had circles underneath there eyes.

When twobit saw them he was happy, and asked if I needed anything. I asked for two blankets. I don't want them to freeze. And he nodded and ran off.

When twobit comes back:

It was a good 30 seconds later when he handed me the blankets, and I slowly grab them trying not to wake soda and Darry, and trying not to hurt myself even more.

I slowly place the blanket it over soda first and then Darry and I just smiled and stayed in my position, not moving at all.

Soon after I was sleepy but with them holding me close to them, I smiled to myself and that warmed my heart.

After mom and dad died it's just been soda and I and Darry, the gang calls us the three musketeers. Which is kinda funny.

Narrators pov:

Pony was laying in bed when two came and pony asked him if he can go get blankets so he can put them over his brothers to keep them warm.

Two nodded and tan off and not even a minute later he come running back in with two blankets.

Pony thanked him and two left them alone, and pony opened up one blanket for soda and placed it over him and keeping him warm.

Next was Darry and he did it as well. He was happy and successful that he didn't wake up his older brothers that needed sleep so bad.

But the thing was that soda and Darry weren't really sleeping, they saw him put the blankets over them. And that warmed there hearts.

After a while they did actually fall asleep and pony was just laying there. And soon slipped out of there grip and walked down stairs and got something to drink when they saw the gang all sleeping.

Pony went to the closet and was shuffling and holding a few blankets, and placed it over them one by one. And soon everyone was covered with a blanket and pony was thirsty and went to get some water when his legs buckled.

He grabbed a hold of the counter knowing he couldn't walk properly, and was scared, and his legs were shaking. And tears were coming down his face and the burns were bad but not as bad as they were before.

But they were still bad. Pony slowly sat down and his back was against the wall. And he sighed knowing he couldn't get up on his own. And didn't want to wake up anyone and so he just sat there till he fell asleep.

Sodapops pov:

Pony was alive!

That ran through my head so fast around like a race car on a track, it was over and over again. I held onto him like a koala, I am not letting go.

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