Abandon Church

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Narrators pov:

Pony and Johnny went on the train to windrxville and found the church. Pony sat down in the corner of the church smoking a cigarette.

"Johnny I killed him..." pony said taking a deep breath.

Johnny looked over at pony who was about to burst into tears...no one could blame him, not after what he did, he killed bob Sheldon

"He was drowning you Johnnycakes..." pony said and johnny went over to pony and rested his head on pony's shoulder.

Pony put out his cigarette and decided to fall asleep and same went for Johnny.

In the morning:

Pony woke up and Johnny was no where to be found, and he went outside to see if he could find him.

Just than Johnny came back with a bag full of stuff, like waters and food and essentials. Than pony saw the bleach and he knew what was going to happen and he didn't want it to happen to his pride and joy, his hair.

"Pony we are going to have to bleach your hair... and you are going to cut my hair with my switch blade." Johnny said handing pony the stuff.

"Really?I don't want too!" Pony whined and Johnny shook his head yes.

"You have to bleach your hair or you will get caught and sent to the electric chair..." Johnny said softly knowing that's what will happen.

"...fine..." pony said and bleached his hair to make it that blonde hair.

After pony did his hair it's now Johnnys turn:

"I hate this..." pony said as he cutting Johnny's hair so they don't look suspicious about the killing.

"Johnny you could go back...I didn't mean to drag you into this..." pony said softly and looked down as he was done with Johnny's hair cut.

"What no, you saved me from bob and the rest of them." Johnny said and pony looked at Johnny with fear in his eyes.

Ponys pov:

After I heard what Johnny said "Bob" that made me go pale...I just protected my friend and it got someone killed...

"D-don't say t-that n-name p-please." I said stuttering and shaking.

Johnny got what I was trying to say...I just couldn't speak, my mind kept on going back to the night...the night i killed the soc.

"Pony it's alright...you have me here!" Johnny said trying to cheer me up.

Nothing could cheer me up, not after what I did to bob...he was innocent...and I killed him...

"I am a murder..." I mumbled softly and tears began to form...

Oh god don't cry know you will be known as the killer wimp...I can't help if though...what would my brothers think, knowing I killed a man...

Probably would disown me and think I was never there kid brother, than I felt someone hug me...

"It's alright Ponyboy...I am here for you if you need to talk..." Johnny said and which made me a bit happier knowing he is on my side.

With the gang finding out about bobs death:

Darry was reading the newspaper like normal and than he saw that bob has been killed and he dropped his cup and the paper.

"Woah Darry what's wrong?" Soda asked as he found his brother with a shocked face that went pale.

"Bob Sheldon is dead." Darry said softly and soda heard and screamed it and started to have a panic attack.

"OMG WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO PONY!!" Soda screamed and started to shake and the rest of the gang except for dally and pony and Johnny walked through the door.

"Woah woah fam whats up? What is wrong Darry." Two-bit said seriously knowing Darry went pale and soda is having a panic attack.

"There's been a dead body found...and after pony ran out last night...soda thinks pony is hurt or something like there is a killer out there." Darry said and just than dally walked in with a cigarette.

"Dallas do you have any idea who killed bob?" Darry asked and dally shook his head no in shock.

"Nope not at all and for once it's not me." Dally said honestly and lying at the same time. Dally was the only one to know that pony killed the man.

"Dal...did you see my kid brother, and have you seen Johnny." Soda said wiping away his tears and Steve hugged him and he hugged back.

"Nope sorry kid." Dally said looking away from soda and went out the door.

None of them bother to chase after him, soda just wants to find out what happened to his kid brother

"Darry what if pony and Johnny are in danger." Soda said and Darry looked at him and sighed with a few tears escaping.

"I believe Dal knows something and won't tell us, I bet he knows where they are at and won't tell us." Two-bit said and soda gasped and the gang looked at him.

"Pony would tell Dal not to tell us, that's smart, and he was with Johnny and Dal always listens to him." Darry said taking a seat and just thinking about his kid brother.

"Oh dear god, I miss him! Why can't we go find him our selfs." Soda said begging Darry to go find pony and Johnny.

"Soda they could be anywhere..." Darry said and looked down and the gang waited in

End of there pov:

Johnnys pov:

Pony just sat their silent... than I tried getting him to read a book, I know that calms him down.

"Pony I am going to the store and I am picking up a book what do you want." I asked him and he perk up and told me a book.

"Gone with the wind." Pony said and sat up and wanting to come with me.

At the store:

Pony and I went to the grocery store and picked up little things since we didn't have a lot of money.

Pony got some cigarettes and the book, and I got lunch meat and some water, and I also got a card game so we can play poker, so we won't be as bored.

Pony is still shaken up about the whole killing...and I would too, he saved me from those socs...

"Ready to head back to the church?" I asked him as we paid for our stuff and left the store.

"Yeah..." pony said with a soft tone to it and was slowly walking behind me.

At the church:

Pony was scared out of his mind of what he did...and man I don't blame him.

He put the book down somewhere and went outside and started smoking a cigarette, I went out there with him and started to smoke with him.

"Johnny..." pony said softly and I turn my head to face him and he looked at me.

"Yeah? What's up?" I asked and put my hand on his shoulder showing that I am okay.

"Why didn't you go and stayed with Dallas, why did you have to come? You didn't kill him." Pony asked and I looked at him.

"Because we are in this together, you saved me from them drowning me..." I told him and he nodded his head and went back inside the church.

I took out the game so we can play poker for bit, we just need to pass some time and pony and I love to play poker together.

At night:

Pony and I couldn't sleep for the life of us...pony sat up and just sat there and I put my head on his shoulder trying to comfort him.

"Pone, why don't you read me that book." I asked and he nodded and headed off to go get that book.

Hiiii guyssss!!! How are you doing today? Hope you are having a nice day/night and stay safe! And remember to stay gold!

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