Mom & Dad

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*next morning*

Sodas pov:

I woke up and I sprung out of my bed and I rushed into Darry's room and I saw him sitting up smiling and we both knew we can see our kid brother.

He got out of bed and I rushed into the kitchen and I got his leftovers and I cut him a slice of cake.

I couldn't sit still, well I could never sit still for so long, but knowing I can see him makes me smile brightly.

I couldn't stand it I can't wait for how many hours for my baby brother and Dallas! Like I need them, they are a part of the gang.

And the gang is one big family, Darry keeps us all together and helps with our lives, since all of the guys dads are either dead, abusive, absent, are an asshole, Darry stepped up.

And with pony, he is all of our kid brothers, like everyone in the gang loves him, some of them (Steve and Dallas) act like they hate him.

But we all know they would die for that kid, they don't hate him that's just how they show their love.

I was in thought when I felt someone touch my shoulder I quickly snap out of my thoughts and I turn around and I saw my older brother Darry.

"You okay soda? You have been standing there for a few minutes, what are you thinking about?" Darry said and I gave him a small grin.

"I am okay I just miss him...but we have to wait." I said in a sad tone I just miss my kid brother.

A few hours later:

I noticed what time it was...TIME TO SEE HIM! I got so excited I ran to Darry and I showed him what time it was and I got so excited.

I see him smile and he gets up. I am so excited I can get to see my kid brother, he deserve the world!

I got my flannel on with some jeans and boot and I grabbed his stuff and I walked to the truck and placed his food there, dally is always to sassy with his order.

Darry hopped into the drivers side and I got into the passengers side and Steve, two-bit and Johnny all crammed in the back all excited to see them.

At the hospital:

I got out of the car and I put his leftovers and some stuff for Dallas in a bag and we all went into the hospital.

Darry went to the front desk and asked for pony and the desk lady nodded her head and continued to do her work and I walked to my kid brothers room and I lightly knocked on the door.

I saw what my baby brother looked like...he looked dead, and I hated it... he deserves more than this....

Pony's pov:

I was lost in thought when I heard someone lightly knock on the door, I knew it was soda since he always was gentle with me.

"Come in." I said softly but loud enough for them to hear, and that's when the door opened and I saw my brothers and the gang.

I smiled to my self and I tried to sit up but I couldn't, I couldn't's like I am paralyzed.

Soda had a bag and knew they gave me the leftovers and some chocolate cake, I hated the hospital food, it taste like cardboard.

I saw Darry and his face soften and it broke me because he doesn't need to be sad, he deserves happiness and love and care, they all do.

"Hey kid how are you feeling?" Two-bit said and I just did a thumb in the middle, I don't if I am feeling alright are if I am dead.

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