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Narrators pov:

When Darry and soda came in, soda looked like he was ready to pop, soda just went to his older brother and hugged him tight with tears going down both of their faces.

"Why aren't you with pony? Is something wrong?" Dally said and Johnny looked over and he had tears going down his face.

Johnny couldn't lose his best friend, not after what they have been through together...not with the murder...not with the fire...Johnny couldn't lose his best friend.

The tension in the hospital room filled quickly, the worrying filled with every greaser in that room.

"Pony...he..." soda softly spoke before breaking down in front of the gang not carrying that he is sobbing in his older brothers arms.

"He passed out..." Darry said to fill in for his younger brother sobbing in his arms, and he just held in his arms tightly.

The room was silent...they knew deep down something was wrong and they guess right. They never ever thought the youngest greaser would be in this situation.

"The worst part what he said..." soda sobbed spilling what was happening.

The gang except Darry and soda looked confused and concerned all at the same time, they only thought the worst.

"Well what did he say." Dally said with a worried tone, not really wanting to hear the bad news.

"He said he wanted to be plant next to mom and dad..." Darry said softly and the room went silent.

The only thing that wasn't silent was the massive sobs from soda, just having Darry hold him and crying... and that made Johnny tear up, and two-bit started to tear up but he looked away.

Darry did the same, they didn't want to feel soft, and Darry held it together for the gangs sake.

"He's to young! He can't die! He just can't." Soda sobbed into his big brothers arms which hearing that made Darry tear up more.

"Guys we need revenge!" Dallas said and that made everyone quiet, they all knew Dallas loved pony like a younger brother.

"W-what do you mean?" Johnny said looking at Dallas and making a confused face.

"Let's have a rumble!" Dallas explained and Steve and two-bit nodded and soda agreed, Darry and Johnny were confused on it but agreed.

That's when they all cheered and pled with joy, for beating up the Socs for what the have done and what they have done in the passed, they were all happy they could get justice for pony.


"Let's do it!"

"I want there heads bashed together!"

"Let's do this!"

Johnnys pov:

They were all cheering...they really wanted to bash them all...they wanted pony to have justice.

I mean I do too, don't get me wrong...but a rumble...a rumble...the violence...everything about it is scary...I wonder what pony would think about them having a rumble.

"Johnny snap out of it?" Dally said and snapped his fingers in front of me, I snapped out of it and looked at him and I gave him a questioned look.

"Yes?" I asked and I looked at the gang...they all had concerned written all over their kinda spooked me.

"What's wrong kid?" Steve asked and I just shrugged and I looked down pony's hallway...this gut feeling....

"I feel like something bad is gonna happen to him...i don't know how to describe it...and how would pony feel about it? I know he isn't here right now...I don't know..." I said softly and they all stayed silent.

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