Not all heros wear capes

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Narrators pov:

Darry, soda and Steve were getting ready for work, they had to pay the bills somehow, just getting ready was so's definitely not the same without pony are Dallas.

This morning was extremely silent...none of them dared to say a word...they all know they miss them dearly but they can't... they have to be strong for each other.

...For Dallas and pony...

Strong...that's what they had to do except for expressing what they feel, they all kept it in them. That's when the silence broke lose when two-bit said something.

"Johnny you hen visiting hours are open we will see them..." two said and Johnny looked at two and gave him a small but soft grin. He was very excited to see them.

"Hey two and Johnny...can you see if pony is doing better...for me?" Soda said as a salty tear went down soda's face and they nodded there heads and soda slightly smiled.

Darry was finished getting ready and he headed out the door with soda and Steve hurrying the best of their abilities to hurry up and to catch up with Darry.

Johnnys pov:

Now it was just two-bit and I...we just sighed and looked at each other and my stomach started to growl and his did too.

The diner

That's what pony and I used to go to when Dallas was to busy getting drunk are trying to pick on woman that clearly didn't like him.

Man I miss them...they alway know how to cheer me up when I feel down, they are my best friends, they are the ones who I go to if something happens, even though most of the time I try and keep it to myself.

I just don't want to burden them with my problems. Like who would listen to Johnny Cade.

I was lost in thought when I heard two-bit say something, and that's what snapped me back to reality.

"Hey kid where do you want to eat at?" Two said softly and his eyes were carrying, half of me wanted to believe it was one of his pranks, but knowing how bad he misses them too it's not a prank.

"The diner." I said softly and he nodded his head and we went on our way to go to the diner and get something to eat.

I noticed on our way to the diner a group of Socs came up to me and two, I remember one of them since one of them was Randy.


Randy is bobs best friend, Randy was there when they were drowning me...and when pony killed his best friend.

I don't know what it is like to lose a best friend but I also don't want to find out the type of pain and guilt I would have if Dallas are pony died...

They are the best and if something happens to them I would never and I mean never forgive myself for what I did.

"Johnny can I talk to you alone?" Randy asked and his voice was kinda I knew he wasn't gonna jump me but I didn't want to take my chances.

"Why can't you speak right here?" Two-bit snarled and I looked at him like it was okay and he looked at me and nodded and he started making fun of every soc there.

In Randy's car:

We were silent for a bit until he said something to me which shocked me, I am like this scared lost puppy and always flinching, but what he said shocked me the most.

"The Socs want a rumble but I am not going to be a part of it..." Randy said and I just turned my head quickly to face his.

"Rumble..." I mumbled softly to my self and I just had this gut feeling like something was gonna end horribly.

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