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So y'all, I know I finished this book but there wasn't an "true ending" so now I am writing one now :)


• once the gang brought pj home it was like pony never left. Like the home felt like home again.

• Pj was wondering around and when he saw stairs he looked at one of the gang to pick him up to bring him upstairs.

• Pj was walking around like he owned the place, and like he pays the bills.

• Pj and blade stayed together and are there for there owners. Even ever they need help, they are by their sides.

• Pj and Blade are great without leashes, they only have them just in case. The only time they use it is for when they go to the vet.

• Blade always protected pj and pj did the same back. Just like curly always protected pony, and pony did the same.

• The gang and the shepherd gang hung out a lot more, cause of blade and pj. And when they saw blade and pj together it was like seeing pony and curly together.

• When pj was getting bigger the gang was upset in there minds that he is getting older. But knew it was life.

• Once Dallas was being ganged up on and pj attacked the Socs. Pj was with Dallas and he protected him.

• Pj was there when soda went through many break ups. Are when there was an angry customer and tried to attack soda and pj didn't let that slide.

• When Steve was being abused by his dad pj, jumped the fence and jumped in front of Steve's dad and showed his teeth protecting him.

• When Darry was walking home, and Paul showed up and pj didn't know what to do, and got in front of Darry eyeing Paul.

• When Johnnys dad threw Johnny outside, pj didn't liked it at all, and got in front of him protecting him with his life.

• When two went out and was cornered by another greaser gang, pj saw and didn't like that at all. He jumped in front of two and bit the gang as they all ran fleeing.

• Pj always goes out to the lot at night to where Johnny is at and stays by him keeping him company.

• Sometimes pj goes to bucks when he scenes Dallas isn't doing well mentally, and stays with him.

• Dallas won't admit it, but loves when he can cuddle up to pj. He feels safe and comfort when pj does this.

• Once Tim was gonna commit suicide so he could be with his baby brother, curly. Blade saw that Tim was looking at the loaded gun and was gonna grab it when blade smack his hand away.

• When Tim goes through dark stages, and tries to end it. Blade stays by his side through thick and thin.

• When Tim leaves and deals with business, blade is right behind him. They stay together.

• Pj was the ring holder in all the gangs wedding's, all of them. Even Steve's.

• Blade still liked to cause trouble no matter how old he was. And more then a few times pj joined in.

• They eat like they haven't ever eaten before. Even though they feed them every morning and every night.

• When pj was protecting the gang from socials, one grabbed a bat and hit him, when blade saw this, he attacked and luckily pj wasn't hit that badly.

• Every time the social worker comes to the house, and starts scaring soda and Darry, they look at pj and they saw pony in him, and knew they already lost so much.

• Once Soda was making a bit more money and was comfortable, he bought some doggie outfits.
- chefs outfit
- construction (mainly to get a reaction out of Darry)
- wigs
(All to make the gang laugh and pj is happy to make them happy)

• Once blade was drinking water, and Johnny dropped something by his dish blade went ballistic and showed teeth. Johnny got scared and pj saw and bit blade on the face pushing him away from Johnny

• And everyone saw that pj was protecting Johnny, and once the shepherd gang left, pj stayed by the gang.

• Blade never showed his teeth to any of the gang members again. Ever again.

• When the gang had wives and kids, pj was the one protecting each one. Each kid knew they were safe when pj was around.

• When the gang lived in separate homes, pj would randomly pick which house to stay at, they all had doggie doors.

• Once pj got older he mainly stayed at Darry's house (he stayed in the same house)

• Pj was there when the gang had kids and was like the cool uncle, but in dog form. Always playing with the kids, and mostly keeping them safe

• Blade was always around, but not when the kids arrived. He hated them. Once he showed teeth to sodas daughter, pj showed his teeth to blade and guarded her.

• Darry had two kids, a boy and a girl, and pj protected them both the same. Even playing with them.

• Soda had one kid. One daughter, and she was like pony but a girl. And pj protected her from anything that could harm her.

• Steve had twin boys. Pj loved playing with them. When pj was over they threw scraps from there plate to him.

• Twobit had three kids, two boys and one girl. It was a blast to be other there. The girl would play with pj. And the boys loved seeing pj and was sad when pj wasn't there.

• Dallas had two kids. Twins. A boy and a girl. Pj was helping around and was always happy to play with them.

• Pj was like nana from Peter Pan, helping around the house, and everything.

• When the kids had a problem, pj was there. He was always there.

• Pj could scenes when one kid was having a nightmare. And would run over to the house and go through the doggie door, and to the kids room, and jump in the bed with them.

• When one day no one could find pj, and they called each other asking, and they didn't know. That's when they were calling for him.

• Pj was at the lot on an old sofa, to tired to move. Darry and soda sat next to him and pj was wagging his tail like he did when he was just a pup.

• The kids knew he was getting old and was upset. They were only like 13 and younger.

• Once Pj died, the gang wasn't as sad as they thought. Yes they did cry and have troubles, but they knew it was time for pj to go.

• Once blade died, so did Tim. A week after putting blade down, Tim committed suicide. Blade was the only thing keeping Tim alive. Tim shot himself.

• When it was time for the gang to die, once they got to heaven, pony and curly were waiting for every single one, with blade and pj by there sides.


Posted: 5/29/23

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