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Narrators pov:

They went to the Curtis house and they all felt like this type of guilt that they can't shake off...their brothers and non-blood brothers are in the hospital fighting for theirs lives.

Pony may seem just like a runt but he is actually tough, and just because he is the youngest doesn't mean he isn't strong, they just don't want anything bad to happen to pony since he has chances that he can change and go to college and do well in life. Pony for the longest time feels like a tag along that is just there, and not a hero like he is.

Soda rushed up to his room that he shares with pony and he just cried and cried and couldn't hold it in. Soda misses pony so bad because soda holds him at night and soda just lets pony rant to him about life are whatever. Soda would do anything in his power to make sure everyone is happy and just overall a good brother and best friend. Soda would do anything for pony, after all he is soda's kid brother and having him in the hospital breaks him every second.

Darry felt this type of guilt that he caused all of this and he can't stand it...he hates it, he hates how he caused this to happen to him, he hates how his kid brother and Dallas are in the hospital. Darry is like the father of the group the one who keeps them all together and tries his best to keep them safe from anything, no matter what. Darry hates how he "caused" this to happen, he just wants to keep his brothers safe from anything, that's his job, is to protect them through harms way.

Johnny hates this because he can't hang out with his best friends, he hates that they are in the hospital, and he is not. He fully blames himself for the actions that have happened. Johnny saw his life flash before his eyes the second he stepped into that church, and he had no guilty pleasure to not to. Pony would always be there for Johnny. The kid that would die for Johnny, the boy who saved Johnny from a church on fire, the boy that saved Johnny from angry socs.

Two-bit can't even smile...let alone joke, he hates how they are in the hospital and not at home just being Dallas and pony. Two-bit misses having pony as a Mickey buddy if he is watching Mickey Mouse pony would feel bad that no one is watching with him so he would watch with him.

Steve may have his ups and downs with Ponyboy but deep down he loves him, he max fight with him but that's just how Steve is, and Steve and Dallas both fight in rumbles together against Socs. Steve is trying to keep it together for everyone's sake, but deep down misses making fun of pony for fun, but he knows how much pony means to everyone.

Dallas may act so bug and tough but deep down he cares deeply for pony and Johnny, because of how fragile they are and how much they saved him from going even more insane.

The way they are like one big family impacts them very much. Since there parents are either, dead, abusive, never paying attention, abandoning, never there, are not good parents. And that's why they stick together because that's all they have is family, they have nothing else but each other.

Dallas pov:

I was being tested on but man pony, he saved Johnny twice...he killed bob from drowning him, and once when the roof of the church was falling on them pony saved them.

Pony was the first one out of the I never thought I would ever say this but, pony is a hero, he saved the kids and he saved Johnny. Pony the hero, I never thought I would ever think that but that's what it came to.


A hero that saved Johnny, a hero that saved kids from the fire, and hero that protected his brothers for not letting them find out, a hero to keep his brothers safe.

I was in max though when I was laying in the bed and I saw a bunch of nurses run down to his room, my heart sank.

I should not feel this...this horrible feeling...I am not going soft! I?

I felt horrible for the kid, he is just a kid, he could be the smart Curtis that goes to college, the one that gets good grades, the one that's supposed to live.

He is just a kid...he has a lot to live for and for that just to be plopped down on him, effects all of us...he is like our kid brother to all of us.

Pony boys pov:

I felt this pain that ran through my whole body, the pain that you can never get rid stupid self killed bob...if it wasn't for my stupid move no one would be in this whole bug mess.

This pain was all over me, this would haunt me forever...this horrible feeling, that I am the one who caused all of this. The death, the everything.

I am a mistake, the murder, the killer, hopeless little brother, the weak one, the one that deserves this poor brothers have to deal with me...everyone has to deal with the tag-along, maybe that's all I am...

A tag-along

A disaster

A disappointment

A mistake

A murder

I was having these thoughts until I felt this horrible pain...I just wanted to burst into whole body going numb...

Just than my doctor came in with a clipboard and I guess he noticed my pain I am in...I saw his face turn white, he started screaming for help.

Next thing I knew it was all black...the pain in my whole body hurts, and I guess this is my punishment, my payment.

Narrators pov:

It was getting really dark outside and Johnny feel asleep out in the lot, but pony would of wanted him to stay at his house. Same goes for Dallas, he cares so much for Johnny he doesn't want him to be sick are hurt.

Soda went to his room and saw pictures of him and pony just hugging and snuggling, and them overall happy. Soda misses pony, he misses how he lays down and just lets each other rant, and how much soda cares so much for his kid brother.

Darry went to his room, and saw a picture of him, pony, soda, and their parents, and that broke Darry so much, he started to have tears going down his face. He can't lose pony like he lost there parents.

They all went to there houses except for Johnny who went to the lot, and they were just processing what is happening with there lives. And how it changed so quickly in less than seconds...

In the morning:

Soda woke up and went to hug pony, and notice he isn't in his spot of the bed, and that broke him, but soda knew he had to keep strong for everyone...

Darry woke up feeling this type of guilt, that made him feel like he wasn't worth it, like he caused all of this, the shame and the blame. Darry knew he did something wrong whenever he pushed pony to the ground making him tun away.

Steve never thought that pony would be the one laying in hospital bed...the one fighting for his life, after he saved Johnny twice, he knew he hated the kid, but now he learned he is a hero...

Tw-bit couldn't smile are laugh for the life of him, he had no motivation to...not as Dallas and pony are fighting for their lives in the hospital he could bare to laugh.

Johnny couldn't stand the two people who knew truly cared about was in the hospital, the ones who he knew he could trust, yeah he could trust the others, but they aren't Dallas are pony. Not after pony saved Johnny twice, not after all this happened all so fast.

Johnny, Steve, and two all came into the house sad, none of them knew this would happen all so quickly, like the murder of bob Sheldon, pony and Johnny running away to windrxville, and Johnny and pony saving the kids from the church... all so to quick.

HEY GUYZ! Sorry this is so sad, but it is a sad book, anyways I love you guys! I hope you guys are having such an amazing day! Cause you guys deserve it! Byeeeee!

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