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Hey guys! Hope you are having an amazing day! I love you guys dearly and have a nice day/ night!

Enjoy :)


Johnnys pov:

"Who are they from." Said Dallas taking another sip of his beer...

When I looked to check my heart dropped...my best friend Ponyboy, wrote everyone letters...my face was shocked and I couldn't help but feel this type of pain

"...Ponyboy..." I said and the whole house went silent.

Not a single peep no sobs silent...it was awkward and sad...we all miss him and now before he died he wrote letters...

"W-what..?" Darry said coming out of his room with tears running down his face.

Soda was still cooped up into his room silent, and than he slowly exited his room and slowly went down stairs.

"W-what a-about my b-baby brother..." soda said having a voice crack and his eyes are red from crying so much.

"He wrote us letters..." I said and they all looked at me and they came closer to see if it was the truth.

I walked to the couch and they all followed me  and they were mainly looking at the letters...I handed them all to the gang and the just looked at in in shock.

Narrators pov:

Darry decided to open his letter and when he was reading it he had tears in his eyes.

Dear dare bear/ Superman,
Hello Darry, I just wanted to say even though we fight so bad I still and always love you, you taught me so many things in life I can never get over...Darry thank you for being the best big brother for me and soda, I will always love you no matter how bad we fight I will always look up to you. I love you big brother.
            - Ponyboy Curtis

Soda ripped his open after reading Darry's letter, he still misses pony and never will get over his death.

Dear sodie,
Hello soda, thank you for being there for me when I needed to talk, I will always listen to you no matter what, I am so sorry for dragging you in Darry's and I fights, we don't mean any harm, thank you for everything, thank you for visiting me in the hospital, you mean so much to me it's unbelievable, thank you always for being the best big brother. Love you always,
        -Ponyboy Curtis

Than Steve decided to open his letter, he still can't imagine the fact that the youngest greaser is dead.

Dear cake man,
Hello Steve, I know we might of teased each other and made fun of each other, but I will always love you as a brother no matter what, Steve remember what I told you in the hospital, always look after soda and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid, even though we normally don't like each other I will miss you, I know I was dying when I wrote theses so make sure soda knows I am okay, for me?
       -Ponyboy Curtis

Two couldn't handle it anymore and ripped his open and read it and had tears in his eyes.

Dear Mickey,
Hello two, I will miss my Mickey Mouse watching buddy, I will miss you two, I will miss your stupid jokes that they gang loves they just don't want to admit, I will miss trying to make a cake while Darry was at work and nearly burned down our house. I will miss your stupid jokes, I will miss you picking on the socs and stuff like that. Two promise me one thing, never stop smiling, make the gang happy, for me? I will miss you two so much I always looked up to you I love you big brother, even though we are not blood related.
       -Ponyboy Curtis

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