Your alive...?

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Hey guys! How are you? Anyways let's get into this! Also some part in here maybe triggering so yeah.

TW: suicide, and suicidal thoughts


Pony's pov:

I feel to the ground in pain. I don't know why aren't I supposed to be dead and in peace. Apparently not. I fell to the ground crying out in pain. And no one was around to help...then the world went black.

A few minutes later:

I slowly woke up to a light. I looked around...I wasn't dead? I saw the hospital and the room I was in... from before, the nurse passes me and ignore my existence, like most people.

Expect for one that came into my room and gasped and told me I was in a coma...a coma? So I didn't get to see my mom or dad? And I kinda guessed it when Bob was nice to me after I killed him.

The nurse left and I knew this was my chance to get the hell out of here, but my bob is in massive pain, but if I get to see my family I will.

I slowly sit up gasping for air, man it hurts but if I can go back to the gang I would be hella happy. They inspire me every day, I look up to them, they are my role models. I just can't tell them that, they would think I am soft.

I see I am still in this hospital gown and I hate it I walk over to where they keep extra things and I found new stuff in a bag.

I slowly sit up and it hurt like a son of a bitch, I slowly began to walk and I walked over to where the bag was at.

I stole it. And the worst part is I don't feel bad at all. I changed into it and since the door is shut they won't mind. I changed it was a black t-shirt and you can still see the burns. So I added a black hoodie over it and some pants.

I didn't know I could stand for this long, but then I jinxed it, I nearly fell over a good 200 times. It was so embarrassing thank god no one was here to see this.

Maybe I should be in physical therapy but who cares about therapy. It doesn't help me, this is why when mom and dad passed Darry tried to force me to go but I didn't.

I could move just not that well, and once I was changed I snuck out of the room and snuck passed the hall and people are passing me not giving a care in the world. I walk out of that hospital but I couldn't I was limping and holding onto the rails.

No one said anything, cause I looked liked I saw a loved die right in front of me, so they didn't say a word to me. I just limped out of the hospital and walked down the street and man I was slowly dying. It was slowly turning night so that would be great.

I limped my way to my house. I stood there for a second and I looked through the window...everyone was I am such a burden! They don't deserve this. They deserve better, and I am such a screw up.

I opened the gate and walked up to the door. I knocked on it and I heard a voice that sounded so familiar. Steve, we may got at it with each other but I love him like a brother. Hell I do with the whole gang, they are amazing people, yeah some of them do bad things (Dallas and twobit) but I love them all.

Steve opened the door and looked down and said something that Steve would say.

"Go away I don't want any Girl Scout cookies maybe tomorrow..." Steve said and shut the door and I chuckled to my self.

Classic Steve. I knocked again and this time it was Johnny he opened the door and his face was paler and looked numb.

He and I made eye contact and he shock his head and shut the door, I could hear him break down crying and the gang comforting him. I knocked again, and he showed up and this time his eyes widened.

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