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Hey guys! I just want to say thank you for everything and you guys are amazing! Thank you for all the love and support! Also this is a very long chapter:)

Anyways enjoy!

Narrators pov:

The house was silent...except when Steve and two-bit bust through the door acting like crazy people...

Johnny had went home with the Curtis because Darry and soda made him stay, they didn't want to leave him out in the cold.

Darry and soda were very worried about all of this going on...they could shake it off...and they hated that they could shake it off.

Dallas really wanted revenge on the Socs, he wanted revenge on what they did to pony and Johnny.

Steve and two-bit had to make sure everyone was happy, that was like there job, they hated seeing the rest of the gang so sad. They feel like they failed them when they are sad.

Steve has to make sure soda doesn't pop and go crazy and try and look for the Socs that have been messing with his baby brother, Steve can't have his best friend do that.

Two-bit is always that happy person, he makes sure everyone is happy that he cares about, like the gang! He makes sure the gang is okay and that they are taken care of, it's like his family.

Sodapops pov:

...the rumble...

My poor kid brother is in the hospital and fighting for his life...damn those socs...always getting at us greasers.

I never thought I would see pony being a killer, he killed bob...he saved Johnny, my baby brother, the one who barely talks and is basically the gangs kid brother.

All I could think about baby in the hospital fighting for his life! He deserves the world.

I was sitting up from the bed and I looked over to where pony would normally sleep but he isn't...he is at the hospital!

The damn hospital! Him, my baby brother, I don't know why I am this angry...but why him, why Johnny, the two greasers that get jumped the most by those socs!

I get up and I go downstairs and I look at Darry who just looked so confused and I was wondering what he was thinking.

Dallas pov:

Pony I know something is wrong, I have this gut feeling...I couldn't shake off...something was wrong and I knew I had to see him.

I pull all the IVs out of my arm and I rushed out of my room and I went to pony's room, I saw his eyes flutter open.

Like he was in a deep sleep, and when he saw me his face lit up and was so excited...I go over to him and we started talking.

He told Tim Shepard stopped by, HIM!? Near the kid!? Ooo was I pissed, what did he do to pony, was he okay, all these thoughts running through my mind.

"How are you feeling kid." I asked and he shook his head do I feel bad, he is only 14 and is this amount of pain.

"Horrible...dally I don't think I am going to make it..." pony said honestly and that broke me into a million pieces.

I have always been overprotective of him and Johnny, they are my little brothers, not blood related but they keep me sane...and I thank them for that.

"Pony don't you dare say that! You will make it." I said and pony just sighed and I knew what had to be done.

"Pony tonight there is going to be a rumble." I said and he looked at me confused...damnit they didn't tell him.

"W-what..?" Pony asked, he really didn't know about the rumble tonight, I am kinda glad they kept it a secret but kinda not, I know it's to protect him but he has a right to know.

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