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Narrators pov:

The gang is still sitting in the circle wondering how Randy knew about pony's death, they all sat there just in there minds.

"He is gone..." soda said softly and just curled up into a ball and started crying softly, trying not to scare the gang.

Darry just gentle grabbed soda and pulled him into his chest and soda bursted into tears as Darry is rubbing his back.

"My best dead...Dal it's just us now..." Johnny said and Dallas looked down and had tears going down his face.

"It was once a trio and now a duo..." Dallas said that broke the gang into a million pieces.

They all started crying than they went into one big hug and just holding each other in there arms...

"My baby brother...he is gone..." soda said and just staying in Darry's arms crying, and shaking.

"We have to live in for pony..." twobit said and the gang all nodded and gave a light smile, to honor pony.

"For Ponyboy." The gang said and they all did a group hug and smiled brightly, knowing pony was in a better place.

Pony's pov:

Man I was so bored, no one would hang out with me mom and dad are somewhere and bob went somewhere.

Now it's just me, man I miss the gang, I miss them...

I could really use a soda hug, and a Darry lecture right I miss my brothers...

They have no idea how much they mean to me, they mean the whole world to me, they really do, I wouldn't be this far without them.

I am know watching over them, they are now smiling and doing a group hug, I am so glad they could move on.

And that's when I heard them say son that shocked me...

"For Ponyboy"

Why for me...? All I do is cause trouble and murder...why me...? Why do this for me..??

I had so many questions running through my mind it was insane, I looked at soda and Darry and they looked so lost...

Darrys pov:

It happened...I lost my kid lost him, the one person who made me who I am, is dead...

Dead dead dead dead dead dead and dead

I knew I had to be strong for the gang I couldn't let them go this quickly, I just couldn't

I couldn't keep my promise to my parents that I would watch over my kid brothers...I tried my best and I failed them and the gang.

"Let's go home guys..." I said and they all nodded and and they went home with me, I knew they didn't want to go back to there house so I just let them stay.

Man I could just see pony smiling as a kid by the fireplace watching Mickey Mouse with twobit...

Man I miss my baby brother...he was only 14, 14 years old, he is just becoming a teenager and he is gone.

Sodapops pov:

I walked home I was in the back just shuffling my baby brother... 14 years old and is now gone...


Man I was pissed, I was pissed off at myself for not taking fully care of him! It's all my fault, I knew pony should've never been out that late

He was just becoming a teenager...him...14...he didn't fully see the world, he didn't travel the world, he didn't go to college...

My baby brother... Ponyboy Curtis is baby brother... the kid who barely uses his head... Is dead!

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