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HEY GUYS! It's just like before, this was a new thing added I wanted to spice up the intro and the beginning better, this is what happens when my adhd kicks in. Anyways some parts may trigger you so yeah. Anyways ENJOYYY:)!!

TW: Self harm, suicide, abusive parents, swearing, Socs

Pony's pov:

I slowly shuffle my way into the house and Darry is looking mad...I flinch just looking at him. I know when he looks like this he is going to give me one of his mom lectures.

...But not a good one...

I slowly sit down on the couch and he started yelling at me on how irresponsible I am and how I could use my head more.

"Why where you walking out, without a switchblade!?! You know it's dangerous! And you can use your head more! But no you don't!" Darry yelled I flinched even more.

I look down ashamed of myself and nodded. Maybe he is right, maybe I don't use my head enough...or maybe he just doesn't love me...

I sigh and I slowly nodding avoiding all eye contact with him, and I guess he stormed off to his room. Then I heard him yelling for me to do my homework.

I hurried off into my room which also soda stays with me, after my nightmares kept on getting worse he get pity and stayed with me.

15 minutes later:

I finished my homework and I was bored, I didn't want to see Darry cause I know he would yell at me more.

But I heard a soft knock on my door, I knew it was Johnny cade since he id more polite then the others and if it was the others they would barge right in like mad men.

I opened the door and there stood a polite Johnny and asked me if I wanted to go with a movie with him and Dallas, I agreed.

"Wanna see a movie with dally and I?" Johnny said politely and I nodded and I stood up and we walked out.

Darry went to work and soda was arm wrestling with Steve, to show "who is stronger" I personally don't get it.

Johnny and I head out and see Dallas smoking a cancer stick in my living room. I slowly chuckle to myself and we walk out to the movies.

I was kinda scared to leave the house since I don't want to be jumped again, I hate being jumped, everyone tends to pick on me and I hate it.

But again I can't stop it...everyone thinks I am some soft puppy, that can't be healed...it hurts sometimes. Having people just baby you, and not thinking you are capable of doing anything.

Johnnys pov:

After what happened to pony and him getting jumped ripped my heart a part, he doesn't deserve that.

After Darry yelling at him he had tears going down his face with disappointment, man Darry needs to know pony is trying hard, like really hard.

I walked out to find dally, I was wondering if we can go to the movies together.

And he agreed and we went inside the Curtis's house and Dallas started smoking a cancer stick and I went to pony's room and I knocked on the door and he answered.

"Wanna see a movie with dally and I?" I asked and he politely nodded his head yes, and he exited his room.

Pony really doesn't talk a lot he mainly need to himself, and I think that was caused by his parents death and just how shy he is.

We left and saw dally continuing to smoke the cigarette and he saw us and he went to us and we left.

At the movie house:

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