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Narrators pov:

Pony was in one ambulance, Johnny was in another and dally was in another one as well.

Pony got it the worst, Johnny got knocked out and dally had a pretty bad burn on his side.

Pony was rushed into surgery and dally went in to check out his burns, and Johnny was stilling down in the waiting room talking to Jerry wood.

But Johnny couldn't focus not after what happened, with pony and Dallas, not after when Johnny saw pony and Dallas being wheeled into icu.

Johnny sat up and saw pony's massive burns, and then came Dallas yelling at him if he ever did that stunt again he would kill them.

Johnnys pov:

"You guys are hero's, you saved those kids lives." Jerry said and I shook his head no.

"No we are just greasers...we probably started that fire with us smoking.." I said honestly and he nodded.

Just than I heard an elevator door open and I look up and see soda walking toward me, I shot up from my set and went to him.

"Johnny, you hair." Soda said looking at me and than pulling me for a hug.

Just than I saw Darry getting out of the elevator and I went to him and I hugged him knowing his kid brother is in surgery because of my dumb mistake.

"Johnny where is pony? Is he okay, so is dally is he alright too?" Soda said and I looked down and shook my head no.

They looked down, I feel so bad for's there kid brother in their it should be me...

"No pony got it the worst and Dal has some burns here and there...but it's manly pony that got it." I said and they looked down.

Just than I bunch of police and reporters came and tried to interview me, but soda took one of the cameras and had a grin on his face and Darry being so big and muscular he told them to back off of me.

Yeah I can't deal with it today...not now when my best friends are in the hospital fighting for there lives.

"Let's go to our house Johnnycakes the rest of the gang would love to see you." Soda said and I nodded and we headed out the door.

At the Curtis house:

Once we got there, they made me take a shower and to wash off and they want to see if I have any wounds are something.

I was just done taking my shower when I heard soda on the phone, with Steve, his best friend.

Darry was making me some food but I couldn't eat knowing they are stuck there...even though we can't see pony until tomorrow.

"Johnny come eat...we will see pony and dally tomorrow, okay?"  Darry said trying to cheer me up and I just shrugged my shoulders and ate the sandwich he made for me.

I went to the table and ate my sandwich thinking of pony and dally and how they are doing, like is pony going to make it...ofc he is going to make it...right?

"Soda... and Darry..." I said softly and I saw them look at each other and than at me.

"Yah John? What's up?" Soda said sitting down on the couch turning to face me, and Darry leaving the kitchen and standing in the door frame of the kitchen to the living room.

"I am sorry about pony... it should of been me in there not him..."I said bad they looked like they had sorrow in their eyes.

"No it's no ones fault and in the morning we will visit my kid brother." Soda said flashing one of his famous smiles.

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