One Year Later

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Hey guys! It's getting down to the end soon! And I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for the support on the account, and on this book. I love each one of you so much! Anyways I hope you enjoy this, and some parts maybe triggering for some people.

Tw: self harm, suicidal thoughts, Socs, swearing, mentioning of death,


Johnnys pov:

Not a day goes by where I don't miss him.

It's been exactly a year tomorrow. Hell it feels like a yesterday we lost him. But we didn't lose him yesterday, we lost him a while ago.

Darry got a better paying job and has gotten a lot better physically, mentally not to sure. Soda has been worse and better all at the same time. Twobit gotten into rehab a few times for his drinking problems. Dallas has been in a out of jail, but not for a long time. Steve doesn't eat chocolate cake anymore. And me, I don't know anymore.

It was quite until soda said something to break the silence. Finally some broke the silence, but what I was expecting too.

"W-wanna go to his grave t-tomorrow..." soda said softly and quietly and some what calm.

We all looked at each other and nodded. We all knew it was one year without the kid. Without my best friend, without my first friend.

Can't believe it, one year tomorrow would be his death anniversary. I don't care if I am 60 and old, I will still make time to see him. He is my buddy, forever and always will be my buddy.

"I am off tomorrow anyways..." Darry said softly and not making eye contact with anyone.

We all know he was gonna take off anyways, and we all know; that we will all visit pony tomorrow no matter what.

We all said nothing after that and we just went on with our day. I know most people would say to "move on" but how can you when pony died.

Pony has been there since day one. He has helped me with school, with me ranting to him about my problems, about EVERYTHING!

He was like my kid brother...I know he isn't, not by blood. But by heart he is. I will always miss my kid brother.

I went on my own way and went home, my parents have gotten worse, and I saw my parents were gone. They kicked me out a lot more and I go to the Curtis's house. The way pony wanted.

Then I remembered, that they went on vacation without me. Ofc I didn't care since if I was on vacation I would of missed Ponys year death anniversary. And I would not allow myself to miss a year, until the day that I am with pony.

I got washed up and then I saw pony reading a book on my bed. He would always sneak over when my parents weren't home and just hang out together.

I smile softly as the memory of him fades away, the smile fades away with it. I sighed and walked to my dresser and I got out a hoodie, and some sweat pants.

My parents never pay the bills. So the air conditioning is off. And my room is always the coldest.

I sit leaned against the bed frame, with my hands over my neck as I look down in shame and sadness. I slightly started to tear up and started softly crying, and then it turned to loud sobs.

My body started to slowly fall over and now I was curled up into a ball, sobbing my eyes out. Then I knocked myself out by crying so much.

The next day:

I woke and I slowly sit up, my body aching more then usual. Then I remembered what day it is. The day I am dreading. Pony's one year death anniversary.

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