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Hey guys! You probably figured this is not my first post on here but I need a better beginning so yeah! May I add I am making pony act like Johnny and Johnny act like pony like pony is more shyer then Johnny and Johnny is more outgoing. Also some parts may trigger some people so I am sorry! Anyways enjoy!! :)

TW: Self harm, suicide, child abandonment, alcoholism, Socs

Narrators pov:

Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1965, when Ponyboy exited the movie house, and was walking home, and realizing he forgot his switchblade.

Ponyboy michel Curtis is a 14 year old boy, that never uses his head, but is top of his class. His parents died when he was just 7 and his older brother Darrel but goes by Darry and his other older brother Sodapop has been taken care of him. He is the gangs pet, everyone in the gang adores him because he is the baby but most importantly he is the most shy, he can't stick up for himself and doesn't really have many other friends. He has green-ish grey-ish eyes, he has light brown reddish hair. Pony is also the youngest, he get called the baby a lot and it does bother him but he doesn't stick up for himself so he goes with it. He is a great cook but he mainly sticks to his brother cooking.

Then goes sodapop, well he goes by soda. He is the crazy outgoing drop out teenager, he works at the DX to help pay the bills, he is tall handsome and had a girlfriend named sandy before she cheated and left him. He is 16 about to turn 17 years old. He has a best friend named Steve, yeah soda has the gang but him and Steve just match each other's energy. Soda has dark brown hair with ocean eyes, he is quite the ladies man. He is the hottest guy in Tusla, and all the girls fall head over heels for him. Soda is the middle child, he loves his older brother Darrel (aka Darry) and his baby brother, Ponyboy.

Next is the oldest, the oldest brother and the oldest in the group, Darrel but goes by Darry, he had to leave school and not attend college after his parents died in a auto accident and has to take care of his baby brothers. He works two jobs do he can take care of the place, after what his parents told him he has to stick to it. Yes he is still young at only twenty years old and has a life ahead of him, he decided to take care of his family and that to all he cares and loves about. He had a scholarship from football but decided to leave to take care of his family, and since he is the oldest he takes care of the gang like he is there mother. Since they either don't have a good home, or their home life is trash he decided to take them in as his own. He makes the gang food but also makes chocolate cake for dessert and for breakfast too, he doesn't since his parents aren't around and that he can make chocolate cake for breakfast.

Then goes Dallas Winston. The 17 year old that takes orders from no one, that only listens to him self and no one else. He gets thrown in the cooler like a few times a week and his bail money isn't always cheap and so he sometimes has to stay longer then he would intentionally staying. He has dirty blonde hair, and a guy you shouldn't mess with. He is very protective of pony and Johnny, he looks at them like his baby brothers, like it's his responsibility for them, and that's what is goal is. He hates kids and hates Socs, they are higher class. Cause they always pick on Johnny and pony, and he doesn't like that. When Darry bails him out of the cooler he always gives Dallas a lecture on why he shouldn't, does he listen, no, but does he love when he does that cause his parents aren't in the picture and that they don't care about him and it makes him feel loved. And he doesn't tell Darry this cause he doesn't want to seem "soft" and he has to keep his reputation.

Then goes Steve, Steve randle, the 17 year old boy, he is sodas best friend. He has brown hair and a bird tattoo on his bicep, he got it when he was drunk and his dad wasn't around to stop him. Let's say Darry wasn't happy about it but he knew that it wasn't his choice and let it go. Steve works at the DX with soda, he loves working on cars, it keeps his mind on something else. His dad isn't around as much but when he is he ignores Steve, and his mom isn't in the picture anymore, she hasn't been in it since forever ago. So Steve looks up to Darry as his father figure, and it makes him happy, he doesn't say it out loud but he does in his heart. He is also loves chocolate cake, it's his favorite and when Darry makes it he is in heaven.

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