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That was all Meredith could think after finishing her surgery on her mysterious coffee shop man, Cristina told her he was a Mafia boss, that sexy, hot, handsome man, that definitely made her feel something on her lower regions whit just one look... Stop it Grey, you can't be thinking about him that way, he is dangerous, and his your patient, THAT'S EVEN WORST!, he's your patient, he's under your care now, he's your responsibility, and with that final though she exited the scrub room, and took of her scrub cap, she ran her hand through her wavy blond hair, a clear sign from exhaustion on her part.

The surgery was successful, just a few bleeders here, and there, but it was good, the bullets didn't make a lot of damage on his body, the person who shot him obviously didn't know what he was doing, she thought whirly, she shook her head and entered the waiting room, she didn't know the guys name, but she might know who her patient's family was.

Just one swipe on the waiting room, and she caught a group of men, sitting in the waiting room, comforting an older looking woman, there were 3 men behind her, they stood emotionless, behind the chair she was sat in, there was another old man sitting besides her, must be her husband, she thought, then there was another man sitting on her left side, he was a young, and handsome, not as handsome as her guy upstairs in the ICU... Wait a damn minute, "her guy"?!  What the fuck did that mean?. No he  wasn't "her guy" he was just another patient, yes he might be really attractive with the blue eyes, and the hair, and his body, for what she saw while operating on him, he wasn't that bad... SHUT THE FUCK UP MEREDITH!

She shook her head again, and went to the group of persons, she approach them, cleared her throat and right when she was gonna introduce herself, the woman beat her to it.

"Hi, You must be the doctor of my son " said the women, extending her hand for her to shake.

Meredith shook her hand, " Yeah, I'm one of his surgeons, I'm sorry to say these, but could you please give me his name, so I can put it in his chart?"

"You don't know his name?" She all but screamed at Meredith.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but when he was brought here, there wasn't anyone whit him, we checked but he didn't have any ID on him." Meredith said a little embarrassed of her self, for not knowing his name.

"Oh well, his name is Derek Christopher Shepherd" Mrs. Shepherd said quite proud of her son to be named like that.

"Ok, thank you so much, now, Mr. Shepherd is in the ICU, just to keep an eye on him, the bullets didn't made a lot of damage, so he's going to be fine, you can visit him, just family right now, tomorrow he's going to be moved to a regular room, a nurse will be here in a minute to take you to his room"

"Oh God, thank you so much, Doctor... I'm sorry honey, I didn't catch your name?"

" Oh, my name is Dr. Meredith Grey"

"Thank you, Dr. Grey for saving my son's life"

"It's no bother, I'm just doing my job" Meredith said with a kind smile.

With out any other word, she turned around and left the waiting room, not after telling a nurse to get Mrs. Shepherd to her son's room, she quickly located an on call room, and fell asleep there.

Meredith woke up much later to her beeping pager, it said that her patient of that morning was awake.

She maid a bee line to the elevator, and pushed the button to the floor of the ICU, she got there, and got of the elevator, a nurse gave her the chart of Mr. Shepherd, and entered the room, he was awake and talking with his mom, he looked a little pale and weak, but he still looked good, she took a deep breath, and went inside his room.
So that's it for this chapter.
I hope you like it, please don't forget to comment and vote.

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