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Hi, this is my first story, my native lenguage is Spanish, so sorry for any mistakes you may find here.
There's gonna be some heavy topics here, so proceed with precaution.


Meredith didn't like the mornings, she wasn't a morning person, if they gave her the choice to get One Million dollars for waking up at 5:00 AM for the rest of her life, she would say fuck of and get her precious sleep; But now she couldn't do it anymore, because she was trying to be a "healthier" person and waking up to an ungodly hour just so she could run before heading to work.

She shut her alarm off and got out of bed and started making her bed before heading to her kitchen to make her "healthy smoothie" that thing tastes like shit, she drank it all and headed to her bedroom to change in her running clothes, she finished changing and grabbed her keys and her running shoes put them on and got out of her apartment, once she was out of her complex of apartments she started her normal trail that consisted in running across the sidewalk into the woods, she would run like 15km then take a break in her favorite coffee shop and get in a cab to her apartment to get ready for work, she'll be damned if she was going to walk/run to her apartment after running 15km.

She got to the coffee shop and got in line, while she was waiting she got a weird feeling someone was watching her, but she shrugged it of and waited patiently to order her coffee.
She got in front of the line and asked for her black coffee with one sugar and one chocolate croissant, she went to the counter to wait for her order, she started playing with her phone Clash Royale, and while she was playing she got that weird feeling again that someone was watching her, she won her battle, she lifted her head to see if someone was really watching her, and that is when blue clashed with green, she felt all the air leave her lungs and her head a bit dizzy, by the intensity of the stare, he broke the eye contact when he started checking her out, and so did she, he was wearing a three piece suit without a tie, it was deep blue, like his eyes, she thought, his shirt was white with the first three buttons undone, a little of his chest hair showing, he had a little bit of a scruff that gave him some kind of a mysterious and dangerous look, his hair was moused to perfection, he was perfection she thought again, when she finished checking him out, she noticed he was back at staring at her eyes but his facial expressions showed some amusement and a small smirk on his mouth, they keep staring at each other until the barista called her name because her order was ready.

She got her coffee and her food and got out of there with a last glance at him, but he wasn't there anymore, she shook her head and a small smile was formed on her mouth just thinking about his piercing blue eyes on her, she took a sip of her coffee and called a cab.

On the ride to her building, she was still thinking about that man, she couldn't get him out of her head, she paid the man and got out of the cab, she got on the elevator and pushed the button to her floor and waited for the elevator to stop moving, she got to her apartment and threw the trash of her coffee and croissant away, got on the shower and started cleaning away the dirt that formed by her running through the streets and woods, she got out of her shower and started changing into her clothes so she could get to the hospital, she finished changing and head out of her home, she locked the door and got on the elevator, she got on her black Porsche 911 GT3 RS 2022, and started driving to the hospital, she was one of the youngest general surgeons on her hospital and the country, she was the head of her  department, she was extraordinary at her work.

She got to the underground parking lot of the hospital, she got out of her car before locking it, and got on the elevator, she pushed the button to her floor and started driving the elevator. She got to her floor and went to her office, she nodded her head to the nurses and her colleagues that went by her, she got to her office, took off her her coat and put it on the hanger by the door, she left her briefcase on her desk and she sat down on her leather chair, she took a deep breath and stared working on her paperwork.

Suddenly her pager stared beeping with an incoming trauma, and she was the attending in charge of the pit, she put on her scrubs ad started running to the ER, she put on a yellow gown and went to the ambulance bay, went she got there, she saw one of her closest friends, Cristina Yang waiting for the ambulance. She said:

"Hey Cris"

"Hi Mer"

"Do you know something about this trauma?"

"I heard it was a man, he was shot on the chest and his abdomen"

"Crap" She sighed


"So much for an easy morning with paperwork" Meredith said laughing a little at the end, and
Cristina laughed too.

They stopped laughing when they heard the sounds of the ambulance quickly approaching the ambulance bay, they saw how a man was discharged of the ambulance, he was wearing deep blue dress pants that were drenched in his blood, his shirt was white, was being the key word, because now it was soaked on blood.

They got him to a trauma room and started getting him under control. Meredith ordered one of her residents to get him to a
OR for a emergency surgery, she got out of the trauma room, and started her journey to the OR, she was washing her hands when a shaken up Cristina come barging through the door.

"What is it Cristina?, Are you ok?"

"We can't kill him" she said with a scared look on her face.

"What do you mean we can't kill him, it's obvious we can't, he's a patient, they brought him here, because they didn't want him to die" Mer said rolling her eyes.

"I mean, we can't kill him Mer, he can't die in our hands, or we'll be the ones dead" she said while adjusting her surgical mask on her face.

"Cristina, what the fuck do you mean ?!" Meredith exclaimed.

"Fuck Mer, he's a Mafia Leader. Cristina hissed behind her mask.

And that is when Meredith turns her head to the patient, and a slight gasp leaves her mouth, "the guy from the coffee shop" she thought.
Well, that was chapter one, I hope you liked it, let me know if you did! Don't forget to vote please.

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