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She couldn't believe what happened yesterday when Derek showed up at her apartment, she didn't believe him when he said he was going to her apartment to punish her, she didn't understand that, why was he going to punish her and for what?.

But then he showed up right when she was going out of her apartment, she was going to meet Cristina at Joe's for some drinks, but the universe had other plans for her. She thought that he might rape her, but he didn't, because the so called "punishment" was more the most pleasant experience that se ever felt in her life, she was a little ashamed to admit that she enjoyed it, she got wet by only thinking about it, how he made her feel when she was bend over in  his lap, with her ass in the air receiving the spankings that he gave her as punishment.

She was wet right now, just imagine happened next.

Flash back

She was dripping, and not with sweat, he was giving her her last swats on the ass, "just two more" she thought, "just two more, and I'll get my reward."

"Two more baby, and you'll have the best orgasms of your life." He said while rubbing her ass a little to get the burning sensation out of it.

She just nodded her head while bitting her lower lip, trying to suppress the moans that were trying to scape.

He slapped her ass again,"Use your words princess."

"O-ok." She barely choked out.

"Ok what ?" Derek demanded, now rubbing her ass with one hand, and the other one was lost in her hair, pulling when it was needed, like now.

"Ok sir." She whimpered when he pulled her hair hard, while arching her neck.

"Hmmm," he hummed, "I prefer "ok daddy", but we'll work on that, now you still have two more, ok ?."

"Yes sir." She said loud and clear. Suddenly she felt the stinging sensation again, and one more time, she was a moaning mess in his lap, she was squirming, trying to get some friction on her pussy, that was drenched with her juice.

"Such a good girl," he praised, while helping her to sit up on his lap. "Now, do you want your reward baby?." He asked, now rubbing her right check with his hand.

"What's my reward?." Meredith asked.

"You can pick between two options, I can eat your pussy till you beg me to stop, or i can fuck you with my fingers till you come, what is it gonna be baby?." He asked while bitting her ear softly.

"Can I have both?" Meredith asked softly, while she was blushing like mad.

"Such a greedy princess," he chuckled softly, "yes, you can have both," he said smirking at her,"lay on your back baby, and spread those legs open for me."

She did as he told her to, she laid on the couch cushions, and spread her legs for him, she was naked, except for her bra and her thong that barely covered anything, Meredith watched Derek, as his eyes changed colors, from light blue, to a stormy deep blue, she looked as his eyes filled with lust and something else she couldn't put her finger on.

"Take off your bra."he said while softly running his hands through her calves to her tights.

She sat up and unhooked her bra, she slides the strings of her bra through her arms, and threw it to the pile of her clothes on the floor, she looked up at him, waiting for the new order.

"You're stunning darling." He murmured softly.

She blushed again, now her blush expanded through all her chest, and Derek couldn't wait to run his tongue through all her freckles, suck on her nipples and lost himself in her pussy, she tried to hide her face with her hair, but he climbed up to her, and brushed her hair back with his hand.

"Don't hide your face from me, I want to be able to see it when I make you come." He said to her in husky voice.

"Ok." She whispered.

They were face to face now, their noses touching, they could feel each other breathings on their faces, his lips where close to her lips, they were about to kiss, when suddenly there was a beeping sound.

End of the flash back.

And that was the end of it, she had to leave because they were calling from the hospital, she left quickly her apartment and got to her hospital, she was with a sore ass and horny as hell.

She never felt like that in a long time since... since never, Meredith hasn't felt all hot and bothered with no one, now back at the hospital, she hasn't left since yesterday, when she stormed out of her apartment, leaving Derek there, "oh crap!, Derek..." She left him there, in her apartment, alone, with her things...

"Dr.Grey, your appointment from three o'clock has arrived." The voice of her secretary coming from her intercom startled her from her thoughts.

"Ok, thanks Stacy" she shook her head trying to get it clear, before standing up, and putting on her lab coat, she got out of her office and started to think who was her patient, she couldn't remember who it was, she got to the nurses station, and asked where her patient was, Nurse Olivia told her, he was in room 279 down the hall, and handed her his chart.

Meredith was flipping through the chart, trying to remember why he was here, then she read the name, and she started to panic, "No!, I can't face him today" she thought. Meredith totally forgot that Derek was going to come today to get his stitches out, she was outside of his exam room, nervously bitting on her bottom lip, she took a deep breath and knocked on the door before opening it, "well... here goes nothing."
Im so so so sorry for not updating, I've had a rough week, I hope you like the chapter, please don't forget to vote and comment please, I really like to read what you think about this.


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