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Derek couldn't believe he got the girl, his perfect girl.

He wasn't looking to meet anyone, his mom had tried with his sisters, they would set him up in blind dates, even his dad sometimes helped them with daughters of some allies, but he always managed to not met them again, but the problem was that he didn't count on getting shot, and being brought to one of his future allies, and getting treated by the one and only Meredith Grey, daughter of Dr.Ellis Grey, whom was married to Dr. Richard Webber, and how does he know all this?, simple, those where the bosses of the biggest mafia in the United States.

He was in meetings with them, trying to negotiate with them so they could become partners, he knew they had a daughter, but never met her, she was never on the galas or the parties that where held by them for the mafias, now that he put two and two together, Derek came to the conclusion that Meredith doesn't know that her parents are in the mafia, when she discovered the news, he knows she's gonna be destroyed, that's why he never lied to her about who he was.

With his hand firmly on the small of her back, he guide her towards the ballroom where the party was, in the distance he could see Ellis and Richard greeting people on the entrance, this is gonna be fun, he thought, a small smirk already forming on his face, they where getting close when suddenly he felt Meredith stop and tug on his hand.

" Those are y parents, they don't know I'm dating someone." She told him.

" Don't worry baby, you can tell them as much as you like." Derek calmly told her, while squeezing her hand.

" Is it ok if I say you're my boyfriend?" Meredith shyly said looking down at her shoes.

" Cucciola, I'd be delighted to be your boyfriend." He said, Derek grabbed her by the chin and lifted her head to look at her in the eye.

" Really?, don't you think it's too soon?, I mean, we've only know each other for like a month, maybe?. I..." she was cut short by his mouth descending on hers on a passionate kiss.

" Meredith?"

" Yes?" She whispered.

" Shut up." He smiled against her lips.

" OK." She nodded.

" Good, now that's settled, are you ready to introduce me to your parents?." Derek tilted his head to the side, and gave her what his mother called, his Mcdreamy smile.

"Yes." She nodded.

They started to walk towards her parents, obviously they already spotted them, both wearing the same expression, confusion and anger. Derek just squeezed Meredith's hand in a reassuring gesture.

"Meredith." They both heard the first greeting spoked by Ellis.

"Mom, hi." Meredith let go of his hand and embraced her mother, Ellis returned the hug, then she went to Richard, " Daddy." She said and gave him a hug.

" I know we work at the same hospital, but I think it's been so long since we saw each other. Said Richard, eying him suspiciously.

" I know, right?, I've been so busy with the department and everything, i missed you guys so much." Meredith said.

"Don't  worry darling, we understand, and we're very proud of you sweetheart." Said Ellis, rubbing Meredith's arm softly.

Suddenly, Derek cleared his throat to make his presence known.

"Oh crap!," Meredith exclaimed, "I almost forgot," she said, while steeping back from her parents, and grabbed his hand firmly, " There is another reason why I've been so busy," the parents eyed suspiciously at her daughter, " Mom, Dad, this is my Boyfriend, Derek Shepherd." She said with a proud grin on her face, while Derek was trying really hard not to smirk at her parents reaction face, seeing Richard almost turn white as a gosht was one the the highlights of his night.

" Derek, this are my parents, Richard Webber and Ellis Grey-Webber."

" It's a pleasure to meet you Dr. Webber and Dr. Grey" he said extending his hand, and Richard grabbed it firmly and shook his hand, " The pleasure is mine, Derek... was it?." His demeanor giving away anything but welcomeness.

" Likewise sir." Derek just grinned at them.

"Nice to meet you Derek." Ellis said with a sour face, not even trying to hide her dislike of him.

" How did you two meet?." Asked Ellis.

" We met at the hospital actually." Derek chuckled a bit when Ellis said that.

" Oh, really?." Richard arched an eyebrow.

"Yeah, i was there as a patient and she was my doctor, but I'm sure you already know that." He smiled at the two of them.

" Yeah, i heard the rumor, but I didn't think it was my daughter." Said Ellis, frowning at Meredith.

" Yes, i know it's against the rules, but we didn't start dating until after he was discharged." Meredith rushed out to say before her parents said anything more.

" Yeah, even then, she didn't want anything to do with me." Derek said giving them a cheeky smile, while squeezing Meredith to him.

Meredith placed her hand above his heart, " But he won me over, and here we are." Looking straight into his blue sparkling eyes.

" Here we are." He echoed, still looking at her, his smile soft.

Richard cleared his throat, breaking the spell they where in, " Umm, well i hope you both enjoy your evening, Meredith i expect you at dinner tomorrow night, alright darling?, you too Derek."

" Ok dad, we'll be there." She said ending the conversation, she kissed both her parents cheeks and pulled Derek along with her inside the party.

" Well, that was..." he said.

" I know," she groaned, " I can't even begin to tell you how sorry i am, i mean they totally ambushed you into coming to dinner tomorrow, you don't have to come, ok?, I'll say you where busy or something like that,, but you don't have to come, alright?." She rambled.
" Mer, baby I don't mind going to dinner tomorrow night at your parents, in fact I'm happy your dad invited me, it means they want to know me, and see if I'm good enough for their daughter." Derek calmed her down and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

" Are you sure?." Meredith asked chewing on her lip nervously.

" Yes!, it's ok, really." He gave her his Mcdreamy smile and kissed her again on her forehead while cupping her cheek, she leaned on his touch, he couldn't resist the look she was giving him, and bent down to kiss her lips, quick, soft, kinda like a habit.

"Ok." She exhaled softly.

" What do you say, we enjoy the party, we get drunk and then you take advantage of me." He winked at her playfully.

"In your dreams Shepherd." She giggled.

" In my dreams, you are naked, hair down and giving me a blow job." He whispered in her ear.

" Well, how about we look into making that dream a reality?." She whispered in his ear, while leaving a kiss on the back of his ear.

" Don't tease me my love, because I'll throw you over my shoulder in an instant, carry you out of here and have you on your knees faster than you'd think." Derek said huskily.

" I-I well..." she stammered.

" What baby, cat got your tongue... again?" Derek smirked at her, " let's go to our table, shall we?."

" Ok..." she just let him pull her along towards their table, he could see an kinda Asian or Chinese girl, he wasn't sure , but of one thing he was certain, Meredith was giving him a blowjob tonight, and he was gonna fuck her till the sun was up again.


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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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