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She was nervous. She didn't know why?... Well she did. She was feeling like that, because she hasn't had sex in a really long time, why?, Because she was married to her work, but she wasn't always like that, in the 3 years since she was named an attending and 2 since she was the head of general surgery, she didn't go out as much as she used to.

Because she was younger than her colleagues, she couldn't afford any distractions, and by distractions she meant, not going out with her friends, not sleeping with inappropriate men, not whoring around anymore. So she was out of practice. She did go out with her friends, but not to get shit faced and have a massive hangover the next morning, you could say she was moderated on how she drinks. But that wasn't the point, she was freaking out if she could still be good enough for sex, she used to be wild, making crazy sex positions with any man that wanted to. But now... everything's changed. She was brought out of her thoughts by her ringing phone.

"Dr.Grey speaking." She said absentmindedly, paying attention at the road, because she was driving.

"Mer, are you coming to Joe's?." Asked Cristina.

"Crap, I can't. I-."

"You always can't Meredith," Cristian groaned, "you always have shit to do, what happened to my best friend?"

"Nothing Cris, she's still right here. I just... Something came up, I can't cancel." She decided against telling her about Derek, she would definitely freak if she said she was about to get screwed by a Mafia Leader.

"Something always comes up with you, I can't even go out with you anymore, the only way I get to talk to you is at the hospital, and even there, you're busy Mer." She sighed.

"I know Cris, I know. But I already had plans tonight, I'm not even at the hospital, infact, I'm driving to my apartment."

"Oh, what kind of plans did you have?"

"Something It's long overdue." Meredith said.

"Oh," she chuckled,"ohh, I get it, you're gonna get laid." She laughed again.

"What?" Meredith said in a high pitched voice,"what?, No I'm not."

"You're sooo lying. But it's ok Mer, call me tomorrow with the details, ok?"

"Fine." She muttered.

"I'm happy for you Mer, finally getting vitamin D, you've been so grumpy, maybe this will light you up." She snickered.

"Shut up crack whore, and I'll lighten up... When I feel light, ok?." She snapped lightly

"Gosh, so grumpy, I hope he knows what's he doing, I don't want to deal with an even crankier-sex deprived-mer." Cristina chuckled.

"I'm hanging up now." She rolled her eyes.

"So easy to get to you."

"Bye." And she disconnected the call.

But sadly Cristina was right, she didn't see her as much. But that was the point of tonight, to relief some stress, hopefully that'll help. She took a deep breath when she passed Derek's car on the parking lot of her building, and went to her underground parking lot.

She parked her car and got out of it, she arrived at her private elevator and started going to her apartment. Now she was even more nervous, she didn't remember what underwear she was wearing, even though Derek already saw it today, she just didn't want to fuck this up.
She got to her door and opened, the smell of something really good assaulted her, and some really soft music filled her ears.

"Derek?" She called softly.

"In the kitchen." She heard him yell.

She discharged her coat and purse but not after getting her phone out of it, she was about to take off her heels but diced against it, wanting to feel better about herself.

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