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"I'm glad you came." Derek says in a soft voice.

"Me too." Meredith replied in a soft voice too.

"You look amazing in the dress."

"I love it, thank you Derek, you didn't have to buy it for me." She said while blushing a little.

"I just saw it, and knew you would look perfect in it, and your welcome." He said stopping at a red light, he turned to see her, and their eyes connected, blue meeting green, they held the gaze, both of them not moving, just staring at each other, they were brought out of their trance by the honk of a car telling them to move because it was in green.

"Do you have your seatbelt on?."


"Good, it's gonna be a rough ride." He said with a smirk.

"I don't mind a rough ride, I like it rough... That is, the ride."she retorted teasingly.

"I bet you like it rough, infact, I can do it in anyway you like it baby." He said giving her a wink, and increasing the speed on his car, making the machine roar in power, he heard the giggles of Meredith, caused by the speed he was going, the took an exit and the road was deserted, he gripped the steering wheel with one hand, and the other he used it to change gears, he changed it again and the car was flying with speed, Meredith's soft giggle was filling the car, and that made him smile, he slowed down the car because he was nearing the entrance to the ferry boat, he got on the ferry boat and turned off the car, Derek turned towards Meredith and said.

"Don't move, I'll get your door, I want to show you something."

He got out of the car, and went to her side to open her door like the perfect gentleman his mom taught him to be. He extended his hand to help her out of the car, and when she grabbed it, both of them felt tingles on their hands, the warmth of Derek's hand and the warmth of Meredith's was enough for them to warm each other on the chilly night of October. They walked to the top of the ferry, and sat on a bench.

"Are you warm enough?" Asked Derek after watching her shivering a little.

"Yeah, it's just colder than I thought." After she said that, he took off his jacket and put it over her shoulders.

"I'm ok Derek, you can keep your jacket." Meredith said starting to take off his jacket.

"No, I don't want you to freeze."

"But you'll get cold." She said concerned.

"I'm ok baby, don't worry about me," He said looking into her eyes," have I told you how beautiful you look?" Derek said while putting his arm around her to bring her closer to him.

That action caused Meredith to have shivers down her back,"you don't have to keep complementing me you know?" She said, blushing again.

"But I like the blush on your face, it looks so cute on you." He said with a smirk on his face.

"What did you wanted to show me?" She said, trying to change the conversation, and to keep from embarrassing herself more.

"That." Derek said while signaling the horizon. It was spectacular, all the lights of Seattle reflected on the water, she could see the space needle, it was beautiful.

"Wow... It's beautiful, thank you for showing me."

"Yes, it's really beautiful." He sighed softly, while looking at her.

"You're watching me." It wasn't a question, it was more like a fact.

"Yes I am, so what?, You're beautiful, so if I want to look at you, I will look at you all the time I want, because you agreed to go out with me."

"And I wonder if I was in my senses when I agreed." She said teasing him.

"But you still agreed." Derek said with a goofy grin.

Meredith just giggled, and moved closer to him, she keeps telling herself "you're cold, you're just looking for heat."  Yeah right, her subconscious just rolled her eyes at her.

They walked back to his car, he opened the door for her, and drove of the docks.

"I never asked you, where are you taking me ?."

"That's for me to know, and for you to found out." He chuckled softly after watching her pout a little.

"Fine." Meredith said a little childish.

"And, where here, so you can stop pouting." He smirked at her.

"I was not pouting." She crossed her arms, and her pout deepen.

"Sure you weren't, let me get your door."

She looked at him, got out of the car, and walked around it to open her door, he gave her his hand again to help her, and walked towards the restaurant, all the way holding hands, he opened the door for her, and a host was waiting for them to bring them to their table, that's when she noticed the entire restaurant was empty, it was just them, they were seated and a waiter came to their table that was located Infront of a fireplace.

"Hi, My name is Alejandro, and I'll be your waiter this evening, would you like a glass of wine to start?." The waiter said with a heavy Spanish accent.

"Would you like some wine?." Asked Derek to Meredith.

"Sure," she said to Derek, "what do you have?" Meredith asked Alejandro.

"Well Miss, we have Barolo, Gavi de Gavi, Brunello, Lugana Doc, Chianti Docg, Orvieto, Barbera D'asti and Pinot Grigio."

"We'll get the bottle of Gavi de Gavi, please Alejandro." Said Derek.

"Very well sir, I'll be right back." He said and quickly left them alone.

"What's good here?." Asked Meredith while reading all the Italian plates.

"Their Lasagna is pretty amazing, and their Fettuccine is to die for." He said after closing his menu.

"What are you gonna get?."

"Some Spaghetti Alla Carbonara," he said never taking his eyes off of her,"what are you gonna get?."

"I think I'll get the Ravioli, it sounds good." she said finally looking up from her menu to look at him, she closed her menu and put it down on the table, Derek grabbed her hand, and was about to say something, when they were interrupted by the waiter with their wine, they placed their order on the food, and he left again.

This time Meredith beat Derek, and started talking. "You didn't have to rent the entire restaurant you know?."

"Yes, I know, but you know what they say, dream big or go home," He said with a teasing smirk, while stroking the back of her hand with his thumb,"besides, I didn't want to take any risk for someone to hurt you." He sighed.

"It's a really nice place Derek, thank you." Meredith said softly, giving him a small smile.

"You're welcome, I'm glad you like it," giving her a soft smile, still rubbing her hand with his thumb,"and you don't need to thank me, I should be the one to thank you, for giving me the chance to prove you, that I can be everything you need." Derek said softly. He never said that kind of crap, but for her... He would do and say everything she wanted.

"I'm really taking a huge risk Derek," she sighed, "but I'll let you prove yourself, because I really like you." Meredith said the last part while looking into his gorgeous blue eyes.

"And I really like you too Meredith." Her name rolled of his lips so smoothly, that sent shivers of pleasure down her back.

Their food was brought, and they started eating, just making small talk, and asking about themselves, likes and dislikes, favorite colors and birthdays, it was a really great date, both of them anxious to know more of the another.
So sorry, I forgot to post this, I hope you like it.

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