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He was mad.

He watched how she threw away his note, got into her car and drove away, without any second thought he followed her, why? He didn't know. Did he care?. Not a little bit.

He watched as she went to an underground parking lot, he parked his car outside of her apartment complex, he had men watching her 24/7, even in her building, there were men living there, just to protect her, called one of his men.

"Yes sir?" Asked Garcia, he was a Spanish guy, he still had trouble with the english, but he was good at what he did.

"I need a status on Ms.Grey."

"She just got to her penthouse, with some bags of clothes."

"What brands Garcia?."

"I think CHANEL, and I think some brand of shoes, I don't remember the name, let me see the camera and I'll send you a picture of it sir."

"Ok Garcia, I'll be waiting for it." With that he hung up the phone.

He was deciding whether going to her apartment or sending her a message just to play a little with her, he decided on the message, he wrote it and got out of there, he was smiling all the way to his house, he didn't smile very often, but he didn't care about it, he knew he was hot without the smile, he noticed when he went to his bars to check on them, how the women threw themselves at him, sometimes he took advantage, but sometimes he didn't, he had a case with a girl, she was obsessed with him, she always would try to get him to fuck her, but he didn't, it was one of his biggest mistakes, she even tried to pass her baby as his, but obviously it wasn't his, so he didn't give a fuck about her, he put a restrict order against her, Derek didn't remember her name, maybe it was something like a flower or some shit like that.

He got to his house, trying to suppress the grin that was trying to appear when he saw that she replied his message, he couldn't believe what she said to him, his message wasn't that bad, was it ?.

D= "I'm glad you're home princess, I'll be waiting at your building doors for you tomorrow at 8:00 pm, got it?."

M= "FUCK YOU!! 🖕🖕🖕."

D= "You're lucky I'm happy today, or else I would go to your apartment and bend you over my lap and spank that pretty little ass of yours."

M= "Ohhh, I'm soooo scared 🙃🙄, you wouldn't do it."

D= "Don't try me baby."

M= "You don't even know the number of my apartment 😁🖕."

D= "Ok, now I'm mad, be ready, I'll be there in five."

M= "Fuck you."

D= "😘"

With that he turned off his phone and got into his car again, now driving like a mad man towards her apartment, no one disrespected him, he was going to punish her.

He got to her building, and got out of his car, Derek went inside of the building without a problem, after all, he was the owner of this building and many others, he got to the elevator and went to her floor, Derek was got to her floor, the doors of the elevator opened... And there she was, with her purse in hand, ready to leave, he looked at her expression change, first she was shocked, then mad, and after that she was scared, "good, as she should be." He thought, Derek looked into her eyes and smirked at her.

" Leaving so soon?, I didn't even start." He said with amusement.


"What baby ?, Cat got your tongue?, now, be a good girl, turn around and into your apartment, you hear me?."
I'm to lazy to continue, I'll leave it here for now.

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