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Derek was a little bit nervous, he didn't know how she would take it. It was the first time that a woman could make him nervous, with his past conquest it was easy, he just told them, they would accept immediately by just throwing themselves at him, then he would get bored of them, he dumped them, they wouldn't accept that, after that, they would get obsessed, finally he had to kill them, as sad as it was.

He had to kill them, they would interfere in his work, this women wouldn't leave him alone, so he had to do something. So maybe that was the reason he was nervous.
He didn't want that to happen to Meredith, she was more than the whores he fucked before, last night after having her for the first time, he told himself that he was going to possess her. She was his, no one else's.

So here he was watching her eat breakfast in her couch, just wearing his dress shirt, it was huge on her, but she looked more than gorgeous in it. With her hair a tangled mess, that was his doing, a hickey on her neck, and her legs tucked underneath her, sitting Indian style, she was the most breathtaking woman he had ever seen or met. Maybe that was another reason he was nervous, it dawned to him like a bucket of ice water. He liked her. He liked her more than a simple fuck. In the past, he didn't mind sharing his others subs with other people. But with her, with Meredith...he would kill if anyone dared to touch her, or even see her the wrong way. This feeling was new to him. He never experienced this. He needed to talk about this with his psychiatrist. He was brought out of his thoughts by her sweet voice.

"So, what did you want to talk about?." She asked, while drinking some of the orange juice.

"Where's my bag?."

"I think you moved it to my bedroom last night." Meredith said, finishing off her breakfast and putting her plate on the table near the couch.

"Ok, I'll be right back, I just need something from there." Derek responded, and moved towards her bedroom, he spotted his duffel bag, and started rummaging through it. While he was doing that, he found a flyer crumble up in a ball, in his bag, he stretched the paper and read it.

It was for a Gala, he totally forgot about it. He was gonna ask her yesterday during dinner, but he obviously got sidetracked, he smirked to himself remembering what happened las night. He wants that to happen again, but in order for it to happen, he needs to talk to Meredith. Derek needs to set things straight.

Getting back to the living room, he watched her. With her back resting on the armrest her head thrown back, her blond hair dangling down the side of the couch, her eyes closed, looking entirely like an angel, his angel.
He's not going to ruin her like he wants to. To have her completely to his mercy, having her begging on her knees for him to fuck her, he wants to own every single thoughts of her. Be the first thing she thinks in the morning, to the last one.

But he couldn't do that to her, he couldn't posses her.

"I'm back."

" So, what is it?." She sat up straight now.

"I just wanted to ask you, if you wanna go to a ball with me?."

"That's it?." Meredith asked with disbelief.

"Uh huh, yes." He nodded, confused with her reaction.

"I thought you wanted to end this." She replied looking down.

"No, darling no," He frowned, "I don't want that, do you?". He retorted.

"No!." She exclaimed," I mean, no, I don't want to end whatever this is."

"Come here." Derek said to Meredith.

She just moved closer to him on the couch, he just rolled his eyes, and picked her up and sat her on his lap.

"Are you having second thoughts about us?." Derek asked her, grabbing her by the chin to make her look at him in the eye.

She tried to avoid his intense stare, but he just grabbed more firmly her chi. " No, I'm not." Meredith whispered, it was a miracle he heard her.

"What?, I can't hear you?."

"No, I'm not having second thoughts about us." She said more firmly this time.

"Good, then what's the matter?" He asked, while petting her head lovingly.

"I...I don't know...i-i mean, yeah I know, but I don't, it's just so confusing. I'm not used to having to deal with my feelings a lot, ok no, yes I'm used to, I'm the top neurosurgeon on america, I obviously know how to control my feelings and shit. But this is different, this isn't work related, it's just complicated...maybe?. You would think that a respected neurosurgeon would know what to do with her life. Work?, I know work, surgeries, having a scull open, removing inoperable tumors, that I'm good. But my love life?, I don't know shit about it. A-and know I'm rambling," she stood up from his lap, and started pacing up and down her living room," you should tell me to shut up, because this is an annoying habit, I should be breaking this stupid habit. An-." Meredith was suddenly interrupted by Derek.

"You're rambling again." He said, bitting the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing.

"Crap, sorry." She said tearing up a bit.

He stood up as well, and we to engulf her in his arms, bringing her to his chest, and hugging her close, "No baby, it's ok. I like the rambling, I think it's cute, don't cry about it, shhhh." Derek kissed the top of her head. He pulled her back, and grabbed her face in his big hands, stroking her cheeks softly with the pads of his thumbs, he said, " And for the other stuff... We don't have to figure it out right now, we can do it at our own pace."

He sighed yet again, and said, " If you most know, this is new for me too, ok?. You're not alone in this. I'm not used to having feelings. Especially this kind of emotions. So don't worry about it, ok?." Derek asked softly.

"Ok." She nodded in his hands. She looked up at him, with her big green doe eyes.

"Ok." He smiled at her lovingly, and kissed her pouty lips.

"So..." His usual smirk was right back in his face, " would you, Meredith-i-don't-know-your-second-name-Grey, do me the honor of going with me to this ball?."

"Sure, I'll go." She finally released her enchanting giggle.

"Good." He smiled at her again. Derek now catches himself doing that more. Smiling more, and laughing. Everything was because of her. His little ray of sunshine.

Sorry, I had a lot going on. But here it is, hope you enjoyed it.

Please don't forget to vote and comment.


(I had some trouble with some chapters, but it's all fixed now.)

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