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Sexual content

It was time. They had a lovely dinner, some good wine, and a really good dessert. But now, it was time, they were seated on the couch, she was cuddle up to him, her head resting on his chest, she could hear his heart beating against her ear, it was soothing, he had his arm wrapped tightly around her. They were watching an episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S., so he was laughing a little, she could feel the small rumble of laughter on her cheek, it sent shivers down her spine.

Now, she was ready, in a little run she had for the bathroom, she changed her underwear and bra, for some lingerie, and made sure everything was clean. So she was ready, but didn't know how to start, they were comfortable like this, but she really wants to do other things, so she must take the next step. Derek laughed at something Joey had said, that sexy laugh that he had. She started moving her hand up and down his chest, slowly itching closer to his belt, he shifted a little, and pulled her closer, his hand coming to rest on her head and starting playing with her hair.

"What are you doing?" Derek asked.

"Nothing, what are you doing?" She retorted.

"Nothing as well." He chuckled.

She lifted her head to look at him. The next thing she knew, she was laying down on her back, her legs wrapped around his waist, while he kissed her senseless. His hand were grabbing everything they could, and her hands were buried deep in his thick curls. His hips were grinding onto her pussy, she could feel his rock, hard cock through his dress pants. Derek started kissing down her neck, and she started to unbutton his shirt.

"Wait!." She suddenly exclaimed.

"What's wrong?." He quickly stopped.

"I- I just..." She was panting hard.

"What's wrong love ?." He ask concerned, but also slightly panting. She quickly got out under him, and started pacing around her living room, with her skirt hicked up around her waist, showing her lacey thong.

"Baby, just tell me what's wrong?, Did I do something wrong?." He reeks his hair back.

She takes him in. His disheveled appearance. His hair tousled, his shirt partly open, showing his toned chest. His lips red and swollen from kissing her, and his eyes, staring right back at her, filled with confusion, concern, and something she couldn't put her finger on, those same eyes that were filled with lust just a second ago, now were staring right back at her with anything but that.

"I... I have to tell you something..." Before she could say anything, she was interrupted by Derek.

"Before you say anything else, please for the love of god, fix your damn skirt, it's very distracting." He said looking down at her thong, that barely covered anything.

She got bright red on the face,  and quickly fixed her skirt."well, as I was saying, it's kinda silly really... I- I mean, it's not that important, you know what?, let's just go to my room, and we'll continue were we left of, alright?. Ok let's just go." She moved to take his hand in hers but was surprised when he pinned her down on the couch again, with her arms above her head in a firm grasp in his right hand.

"Tell me baby, what's wrong?."

"I..." She swallowed thickly. " I haven't had sex in over two years." Meredith barely whispered, Derek could barely hear her.

"What?, I didn't hear you ?"

"I haven't had sex  in over two years." Her voice wavered slightly at the end.

"That's it?" He asked, almost amused at the situation.


"I thought you were gonna tell me you were a man or something worse." He exhaled in relief.

"Wh-what?, Why would you think that?!." She exclaimed.

"I don't know, you were acting like it was the end of the world, I thought, well what's the worst thing she can tell me, that she is transgender?."

By this point, Meredith was up and pacing again, and Derek was on the couch, running his fingers through his hair.

"You have seen down there, does any of that seems like I'm transgender?." She stopped pacing, and turned to look at him straight in the eye.

"NO!" Derek shouted. "No, I was just saying, I thought it'll be something serious, that's all, no need to get upset." He said more calmly.

"I-" she was cut off by Derek kissing her roughly and pushing her against the glass window.


"Yes?" She said breathless.

"Shut up, and let me fuck you." He pinned her against the window, he grabbed her ass to help her wrap her legs around his lean waist, he grounded her pussy against his hardened penis, she let out a moan and he slipped his tongue into her awaiting mouth.

"Derek." She whimpered his name.

He started to dry fuck her against the huge window, one hand left her ass, and started to toy with her already opened shirt, he took off her shirt, and started to kiss down her clavicle, he reached her breast, still dry humping her, he took one nipple into his warm mouth, Derek started to suck on her nipple trough her lacy bra.

"God, don't stop... Please!" She screamed.

She grabbed his hair and pushed his head closer to her nipple, she started to feel light headed, her stomach was tied up in knots, as she was close to coming, she moved her hips faster against his cock, the friction of that pushing her faster to come.

"Such a good girl, come for me baby." He whispered in her hear, then continues to nip at her hardened nipple.

"Yes, yes, yes, fuck!." She finally screamed, as she was coming, her pussy walls pulsing and her head throw back, she released her tight grip on his hair, and pulled up his head to kiss him hungrily on his lips.

She was panting hard as she said. "Take me to bed Derek."

"Gladly." He said breathless.

No, you not were robbed of smut, it's coming I swear, but I just wanted to post something, because it's been sooooo long since I las updated, I hope you're not mad at me.

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