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They got to her bedroom, and he quickly located her bed, and he threw her there. He discharged his shirt and his pants, but not after grabbing a condom.

When he looked at Meredith, he saw that she was now wearing an scandalous pice of lingerie set, it was white with some blue flowers, it was see through.

When he looked at Meredith, he saw that she was now wearing an scandalous pice of lingerie set, it was white with some blue flowers, it was see through

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"God..." Derek took a deep breath, "you look, beautiful." He exhaled.

"Thank you." Meredith whispered, she adverted her gaze, and focused on her duvet, that covered her bed.

"Don't look away from me," He pulled her face towards him, and kissed the corner of her mouth, "I want you to look at me every moment, ok?" Derek said while looking deep into her eyes.

"Ok." She exhales.

He grabbed a handful of her hair, and pulled her mouth towards his. He kissed passionately, his tongue mating with hers, the hand that was in her hair left, and he used both of his hands, to lower the straps of her bra.

He started kissing her down her neck, her hands were lost in his hair. He nipped at her left side of her neck, then he sucked, creating a hickey. He stroked her hickey with his tongue. "God, that's gonna be hard to cover up." She hissed in pleasure. " Why would you cover it up?" Derek said, while giving her another hickey on the other side of her neck.

"I'm a-a," all thought of what she was going to say flew out the window, when he took a nipple into his mouth.

"You're a what baby ?" His breath fanning over her breast.

"I-i forgot..."

"Hmmm." He just smirked and went back to sucking on her nipples, her head went back, and she gripped his hair tighter, pushing him closer to her breast.

His hand were now roaming freely on her body, touching wherever they could. He grabbed her legs, and pulled them further apart, so he could get better in between her legs. Derek started grinding on her wet pussy, his cock was throbbing in the confined space of his boxers, hitting directly on her clit, making the knot on her stomach tighter.

"Oh god, oh... Don't stop, please... Hmmm I'm close." Meredith screamed, as he but down hard on her tight bud, and grounded his hip on her clenching pussy.

"I'm not stopping any time soon  baby, come for me." He demanded.

"Oooh fuck!". She screamed out in pleasure as she came, between his grounding on her, and his mouth glued to her chest, it was not impossible not to come.

"That's it, good girl." Derek praised her.

"Hmmm." She barely  acknowledge him when he got off of her,discharged his boxers and put on a condom.

"Are you wet enough for me?". He asked, while running two finger on her slit that was drenched in her juice.

"Please... Please, please." She begged.

"Please what?" He entered his two fingers in her, and started moving them in and out at a slow torturous pace.

"Please, just fuck me please." She cried out, Meredith couldn't believe the words that were slipping out of her mouth, she couldn't recognize herself, she wasn't  submissive to anyone. But with him... with him it was different.

"Oh god, yes!." She suddenly whimpered, when he slipped inside of her tight pussy.

"Fuck, so tight." Derek said through clenching teeth.

He stayed still, letting her adjust to his size, she felt perfect around him. She lightly nodded her head, giving him permission to move. Derek started trusting back and forth, letting his hips do all the work, Meredith was panting, digging her nails on his back, he increased his speed, making the headboard bang against the wall.

"Fuck, oh... Yes!." Meredith screamed, "Harder... hard... Harder!"

" I don't want to hurt you." He said, stopping his trusting for a moment.

"I don't care." Meredith said panting, trying to catch her breath.

He pulled out of her, and got on his knees, "On your fours, now." Derek said.

She obliged, and got on her hands and knees, she felt him on her behind. He put his hands on her ass, squeezing her, then slapping both her cheeks.

"Oh..." She gasped softly.

"Are you sure?, Because once I start... I'm not gonna be able to stop." He said, kissing her back up and down.

She merely nodded, when another slap on her ass was delivered by him.

"Use your words baby, I need to hear you say it." Derek said in a demanding tone.

"I'm sure, please..." Meredith pleaded.

He slipped back inside her, and started pounding away. He grabbed her hair, and pulled back roughly, his other hand was on her hip, grabbing it tight.

"Is this what you wanted, uh?... Me fucking you hard?." He asked harshly, and going even harder on her.

"Yes...yes...yessss, oh god yes!" She cried out, her arms gave out and fell on the bed, gripping there sheets tightly, till her knuckles were white. She was close, she could feel it. Her pussy was pulsing around his cock, his balls were slapping against her pussy everytime he trusted back on her. His grip on her hair never loosen. He moved his left hand to her front, and started toying with her nipples, that sensation went right to her core, making her cum in that moment.

"Ohhh, yes fuck, yes!." She realesed all over him.

"Oh...oh god, yes... So fucking good." He cried out, as he came inside the condom.

With a final trust in her, he slipped out of her, Derek disposed the condom, and went to her bathroom, he came back with a cloth on his hands, he got back on the bed, Meredith was still faced down, so he put her on her back, opened her shaky legs, and started cleaning her. When he was done, he kissed both of her tights, and went back to her bathroom. She was almost asleep when he felt him come back. He pulled her to his chest, so she was laying down with her head on his chest, while he was running his fingers through her hair. They didn't say anything, they didn't need to.

Meredith was fighting her sleep, when she heard him whisper to her," it's ok, go to sleep la mia principessa, I'll be right here when you wake up."
She just nodded and went to sleep, with the sound of his heart on her ear.

So things have been crazy in my life, I'm sorry for taking so long to post. I have to much homework, but in a week I'll be having a to week break from school, so expect some updates then.

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