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Chapter 3 was a little bit of insight of Derek's pov, now we're back to Meredith just entering his hospital room.

Meredith was about to introduce herself to her patient, when Mrs.Shepheds phone rang, she excused herself to answer it outside of his room, "Great... just fucking great, leave me alone with the man that was checking me out this morning at the coffee shop... Well, not alone, alone, if it wasn't for the the two men standing outside of the door, I would be alone with him... So it isn't that bad Grey, get a hold of yourself." Meredith was brought out of her thoughts by a throat clearing, she looked up from the chart in her hands, to see Derek Shepherd sitting up, his eyes showing amusement, and a light smirk in his mouth.

"What?" Meredith snapped.

"Dr.Grey, that's not a way of talking to your patients." Derek said with a sarcastic tone.

Meredith cleared her throat, and offered him a small smile,"I'm sorry, I was just coming to check on you, since you are a wake... Hold on," Meredith frowned in confusion," How dou you know my name?"

Derek laughed a little, before wincing in pain."Well, it's in your jacket and in your hospital ID, that is in fact attached to your lab coat, and I have the ability to read since I was four, It wouldn't look good on me if hadn't called you by your professional name" he said back, with a little bit of annoyance in his tone.

Meredith scoffed, and rolled her eyes, "I'll make this quickly, just pull your gown up to your neck please, I need to check your sutures" she said, while putting some gloves.

He pulled his gown up, revealing his chiseled abdomen,
"Crap, this is going to be harder than I thought"

She finished her exam, and wrote some notes on the chart, she took off her gloves, and throws them in the trash, she turned around and she bit back a gasp as she looked at him with his gown still up, showing his chest, and a V line that went down to his boxers that went laying low on his hip.

"Ummm, you can pull... you-your gown down, in done" Meredith stuttered, "Damnit Meredith, get a hold of yourself, you are better than this".

"Nah, I'm comfortable like this"
Derek said with a teasing smirk on his handsome face.

"Well, suit your self" she finished lamely.

"Oh, I will." He said, winking at her, with amusement clearly showing in his eyes.

Meredith, clearly flustrated whit his actions, decided to tase him a little bit, "Why not have some fun with him, when he clearly wants it?"so then she proceeds to take her hair out of her normal ponytail, and let her blonde wavy hair cascade down her shoulders, she shook her head to accommodate her hair, the she looked at him, and caught him bitting slightly on his lip, looking at her from head to toe, they looked at each other, daring one another to break the stare... Meredith was brought out of her thoughts when the door of his room was opened, revealing Mrs.Shepherd.

"I'm sorry, was I interrupting something?"she said clearly noticing the tension in the room.

Before Derek could answer, Meredith said"No Mrs.Shepherd, you weren't interrupting anything, I was just telling your son he was doing well, and he might be released in 4 to 5 days." She finished with a smile to Mrs.Shepherd.

"That's some great news, thank you so much Dr.Grey."

"I'm just doing my job Mrs.Shepherd, it's no bother."

"Oh please, call me Caroline"

Meredith was a little unsure about it, but when with it, she looked back at Derek, and was that his gown, was down, "Thank God" she thought.

"Well, that's all, I'll see you guys around." With that, she left his waiting room in a hurry, she made it down the hall to the elevator, and pressed the button many times, "if doing that is going to make the elevator come faster" Meredith scoffed a little at her own thoughts, she got on the elevator, looked that it was alone, and left a sing of relief, she got on the back of the elevator, lost on her own thoughts, she got out of there, and continued with her day, "these are going to be the most hardest 4 days of my life."
I really hope you are enjoying this story!

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