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Their date was perfect.

That was all Meredith could think about, even now, that se was at work, instead of thinking about her patients and surgery, she was thinking about her date with Derek, it was perfect. After they had dinner, they rode back in the ferryboat, then she was hungry again, so Derek stopped at some ice cream shop, not after teasing her about dying young for so much junk food, she got strawberry ice cream, and he got coffee, his favorite flavor.

He then dropped her off at her building, but not after a good night kiss, with a promise to call her tomorrow. So here she was, thinking about the perfect man and the perfect date. "It would be more than perfect if he called like he said he would." Her subconscious told her, she just shrugged that thought, he would call, maybe he was busy this morning, maybe he'll call later. She was startled from her thoughts by the ringing of her phone, she answered after looking at the ID caller, and reading "private number".

"Dr.Grey speaking." She said firmly.

"Hi, good morning, I'm Mr.Shepherd assistant, he told me to call you and say to you that he won't be able to call you this morning, but that he would love to meet you for lunch, he says that he's going to pick you up at wathever time works for you."

Meredith was speechless for a whole minute, before getting her ability to talk again.

"Is he really that busy right now?" She asked the man that said was his assistant.

"Unfortunately, yes Dr.Grey, but if you could give me the time that you would be free, that'll be a great help."

"I'm free to have lunch at twelve, but I don't know if my schedule will change."

"Ok, thank you Dr.Grey, but if your schedule changes, please, text this number of Mr.Shepherd so you can reagent your lunch together." He said formally.

"Ok, I'll get my secretary to do that if it were needed, have a good day... I'm sorry I didn't catch your name."

"Oh, my apologies ma'am, I'm..." She heard some gun shots and then some rustling till it was silent again, and he was again on the line," sorry for that, I'm Mario." He said out of breath.

"Well Mario, have a good afternoon."

"You too Dr.Grey."

And the call ended, she sat there wondering, why did she had a feeling that she would be seeing Derek sooner than she thought.
Hi, I hope you like it, I'm sorry it's short, I'm gonna be busy these days because I'm starting to decorate for Christmas, and I do it all alone, so in advance, I'm sorry for not updating the next few days.

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