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He was hard.

And it hurt.

That's the only thing he had in mind, that and fucking Meredith till she begged him to stop, even then, he wouldn't.

While she was bossing everyone in the E.R was something to remember, that turned him on, but Meredith cleaning his body, was something worth getting hard, he watched her hands move gentle over his pectoral, then down towards his abdomen, and repeating that motion till there wasn't anymore dried blood on him, having constantly her hands on him was torture, sometimes she would even get close to where his pants were riding low on his hip.

Getting shot wasn't intentionally, he was at one of his warehouses, just looking over some new shipment that was being moved towards the airport when a small gang attacked, those bastards got close enough to shot him, but they weren't able to stop him, they didn't get near the shipment, so everything was ok, but he was worried about his friend that was in the other room, maybe by now in surgery.

Aaron was the second best thing he had, after Mark of course. Aaron was there when Mark couldn't. And speaking of Mark, that mother fucker hasn't called him about the drugs being shipped to Italy, he was supposed to be waiting at the airport, but maybe they didn't get there on time, so maybe he was looking at it.

Now, at the present, Meredith was finishing cleaning him up, he brought his legs to the left side of the gurney, and when Meredith was with her back towards him, he grabbed her by the waist, and brought her to him, so her back was pressed against his chest, and her ass was near his groin.

"Hmmm," he sighed, "you smell so good."

"I smell good?" She asked.

"Yeah, kinda like a flower."

"It's my hair."

"Your hair, huh?"

"Yeah,"she said kinda breathless, "it's my conditioner, it smells like lavender."

"Hmmm," he nuzzeld her neck, and gave it a small kiss on the right side of her neck, "well, I like it..." He moved his head to her left ear and whispered," yeah, I like it a lot." And to prove his point, he pulled tighter to him, and she could feel his erection through his dress pants.

"Oh..." She lightly moaned, and moved her head to the side to give him better access to her neck.

He moved one of his hands towards the strings of her scrubs to untied them, "Can I?" Derek asked referring if she could give him permission to untied them.

"Uh-huh." She just nodded her head, to lost on the feeling of pleasure.

"Ok." He chuckled softly against her ear, then he bit it softly, that earned him another soft moan from her.

He untied the strings, and lowered her scrub pants, "Are you wet baby?" He asked, while slowly moving his hand down towards her panties.

"I-..." She was cut off by a whimper scaping her mouth when he grazed her center with his middle and pointer fingers.

"Hmmm, so wet for me." He groaned.

"Hmmm, please." She begged.

"Please what baby ?" Running his fingers against her wet spot on her panties."

"Plea-oh god!." Meredith slightly trembled at the pleasure.

"Take off your panties." He ordered her, she did as she was told, she took off her pants, the slowly, trying to tease him, lowered her lace panties, she bent down to take them off, and gave him a perfect view of her round ass, and her wet center, that he was desperate to taste.

"Now what ?..." She asked breathless.

"Now, you get your ass over here, and give me your panties." He looked her up and down, and almost groaned in pleasure, just the mere sight of her made him want to come.

She turned around to face him, and moved closer to him, she was about to give him her panties, when the reality came crashing to both of them, when her pager beeped, startling them both.

She quickly located her scrub pants, and looked at her pager, she sighed when se saw that she was needed at O.R 4, and it was an emergency, she quickly put on her panties, and her pant, she turned around and crashed on Derek's chest.

"Fuck, I gotta go."

"I know," he put to fingers under her chin, and lifted up her face towards him, "I know, but this isn't finished, got it ?."

"Yes, I know." She sighed.

"Good, now go, but first, get me a shirt." He gave her a small peck on her lips.

She involuntarily smiled,"I'll get a nurse to give you on." She whispered against his lips.

"Good," he kissed her again, "and thank you." He mumbled.

"Your welcome." She gave him a kiss, but he deepened it, he grabbed her waist, and she could feel his arousal against her pussy that was becoming wet again by the second.

"I. Need. To. Go." She said that kissing him between her sentences.

"I. Know." He did the same.

"Come to my house tonight?."

"Of course."

"If I'm not there by eight, just tell the guy at the reception to let you in, ok?, I'll tell him before I go into surgery."

"You forget how I got in the last time I was there?" He smirked at her.

"I forgot, care to tell me ?" She smiled at him, her eyes sparkling.

"Maybe I'll tell you tonight." He sighed, and move his right hand towards her face and caressed her check lovingly.

"So mean to me." She pouted.

"Yes I am." He chuckled and kissed her softly.

"And cocky too. I think it's time for me to go... I'll see you later." She disentangled herself from him.

"Ok, see you later." He kissed one last time, and turned her around, and gave her a small slap on her ass.

"Hmmm." She yelped slightly.

"There's more where it came from."

"I'm looking forward to it." She winked at him, and left him.

He didn't know what was he doing with her, but fucking her tonight, that's for sure.


So there.

Sorry I didn't update when I said I was doing it. I had some things to do and forgot, I won't make any promises for this and the next week. I don't think I'll have time to do it, I'm going on a trip, sorry for the lack of chapters there's gonna be.

I'll update when I can.

Please don't forget to vote and comment, I love reading your comments, they're funny.


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