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Here's a little something for you guys, to thank you all for 3.39k reads, you're awesome, I hope you enjoy this.

After that call with Derek's assistant, she was left to do her paperwork. She had a feeling, a bad feeling, after hearing those gun shots through the phone, she was left wondering what was exactly Derek doing, she knew it had something to do with what he does for living, but she wasn't going to judge him, she was in no position to judge. She was doing her paperwork for half an hour, when her pager beeped and saw she was being called to the pit, and that's when her feeling intensified, that page wasn't a 911, but it still have her a bad vibe.

She arrived at the pit, and asked a nurse where was the patient, she said trauma 1, so she went there, Meredith noticed that the drapes were shut, you couldn't see anything inside the room, she entered the room, and she almost let escape some tears out of her eyes, at the sight that welcomed her. There, sitting up in a gurney was Derek, surrounded by some nurses and a resident she didn't remember his name, "maybe it's Lechuga, or something like that." Her subconscious said, she shook her head and jumped into action.

"What do we got?" Meredith asked, while snapping a pair of gloves on.

"Derek Shepherd, 37, he was shoot on the arm, but the bullet went through, everything is ok, I already gave him a vaccine for possible infections, but he refused to be sutured by me or any other Doctor..." The Doctor couldn't finish because Derek interrupted him.

"I don't want some impotent intern to suture me!," He scoffed," I want you to do it," he said looking at her, his gaze softening,"I don't trust some stupid intern to do it." He hardened his gaze towards the Doctor standing near him.

"Ok, ok, I'll do it," She sighed,"Everyone who's not needed can leave, you!." Meredith said towards the Doctor who's name she couldn't remember,"get me a basin with water and a cloth, and knock before you enter."

"Hi." Derek said playful, with his blue eyes twinkling at her.

"Hi," she chuckled softly," you know, if you wanted to see me that badly, you could have just come to lunch with me, you didn't have to get yourself shot." She smirked.

"Well, where's the fun in that?." He asked also smirking at her, they both laughed, Derek and Meredith locked eyes, he never noticed when she was done stitching him, they were staring at each other so intensely, but a knock on the door startled them back to reality.

"Come in." Said Meredith.

"Here's the pan with water and the cloth Dr.Grey, anything else?."

"No, that would be it, you may go now." She replied sternly.

When he left them alone, he asked,"why do you need that?" Referring to the things she asked for.

"Because, you're covered in blood, you need to clean up, and get another shirt, they destroyed the one you had on."

"Oh..." He sighed, looking down at himself, his chiseled chest had some dried blood, and Meredith was dying to clean it up, just to touch those abs.

"Wanna help me?" Derek asked Meredith, with his husky voice, and eyes filled with lust, her being bossy turned him on so much.

"Wh-what ?" She stammered.

"What?, afraid you can't control yourself around me?." His eyes showing lust and amusement.

"I so can control myself around you, infact I'm so in control of my things they call me a control freak, I'm in control of everything that's going on in my life, I get everywhere on time, 'cuz surgeons can't be late to surgery, so yes, I'm in control of myself." She finished her ramble taking a big breath.

"You finished rambling baby?, 'cuz the way you made it sound, you're in control of everything, but not of your mouth." He again said teasing her.

"Shut up." Trying to suppress a smile.

"Don't get me wrong, I find the rambling cute, even charming." He gave her a smile and cocked his head a little at the side.

"Do you want to get clean up, or not?." She said slightly rolling her eyes and blushing a little.

"And I find it even cuter when you blush." He said that, making her blush even more.

More later.

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