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;) Enjoy!

Meredith was sleeping peacefully in her bed, clad only in her thong and her old ratty Dartmouth sweatshirt, she woke up by the sound of her bedroom door being closed, she sat up in her bed, with her bedsheet close to her heaving chest.

"Who's there?, I know self-defense" she said lamely. She just heard a throaty laugh.

"I'm being serious, who the fuck is here, I'm going to call the police."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" came a deep voice from her door, she couldn't see him because her blinds were shut, not allowing the moonlight to come through them.

"Wh-why would you say that?, You bro-broke into my apartment, and into my bedroom, why shouldn't I call them?" She stuttered a little bit at first, but then recovered her voice at the end.

"Because preziosa, they wouldn't do anything to me."

"Why?" She whispered.

He jus chuckled a little bit before answering "They won't bite the hand that gives them food."

"The fuck you mean?"

"Darling, they work for me."she could hear the smirk on his voice.

"What do you want from me?"

"Everything you could give me, but right now... right now I just want your body, later we can figure it out what I want." She could hear him approaching her bed, his heavy steps, she heard how his shirt was thrown on the floor, she heard his belt being undone, and his pants hitting the floor with a soft thud.

Suddenly she got to her nightstand and turned on her lamp, she couldn't contain the gasp that left her mouth, there, in her room, was no one other than Derek Shepherd, in only his black boxers, with an obvious bulge in them, that shit is big it's like a third leg, Meredith thought, it was outlined in his boxers.

"What are you going to do to me?" She asked.

"Things no one has ever done to you" he retorted with a devilish look on his face, he looked more dangerous now, with her lamp being the only source of  light in her room, she looked at him, with his 5 o'clock shadow, he looked dangerously hot.

He climbed on the bed, and pushed Meredith on her back, he took her sheets from her body, and uncovered her, he looked at her with hunger in his eyes, he grabbed her by her neck, but not with force to kill her, but with a dominating force, she was breathing hard now, knowing what was going to happen next, right when he was leaning towards her to kiss her, an annoying sound was emitted in her room, she looked for the source of it but couldn't find it.

Meredith woke up by the sound of her alarm blaring off, she was panting hard, and slightly sweaty, that's because of what she was dreaming, she turned off her alarm, and sat on her bed, just thinking what was wrong with her, what was that dream about, I can't be dreaming of hot, handsome, men, that is in  fact my patient, what is wrong with me, obviously he is good looking, and she lusted after him, but I can't be thinking like this, I just met the man for gods sake, I don't know him, she finished her thoughts, and got out of her bed to start with her day, she made her bed and started getting ready for her run.

While she was running, she thought about him and how frustrated she is right now, mentally and sexually frustrated, that dream left her, panting and wet, she was going to need more batteries for Bob, "Bob" is her vibrator, she liked the to name her toys, it made her feel less pathetic.

She got to the coffee shop, ordered her regular, and went to sit at a table, she ate quickly and went to get a cab, she got in and told the address to the driver, she got to her apartment and started getting ready for work, when se was ready, she went to the underground parking lot of her building, and got on her car, god, how she loved her car, she got to the hospital and went straight to her office, she got there and changed in her deep blue scrubs, she was finishing making her ponytail when there was a knock on her door.

"Come in" she yelled.

"Hi Dr.Grey, I'm on your service for today" said some resident, she couldn't remember his name.

"Oh, hi Dr...?"

"Oh!, Dr.Andrew DeLuca ma'am."

"Don't call me ma'am." She snapped.

"S-s-sorry." He stuttered.

"Surgeons don't stutter, and they don't apologize" she said firmly, just like her mother used to tell her.

"Right, sorry, no, not sorry, well yes I'm sorry for saying sorry, but not sorry for apologizing, I'm just..."

"Shut up Dr.DeLuca, don't make yourself look more dump Infront of me." She cut him off, "let's go to rounds, get your interns, and meet me in Mr.Shepherd room." He just stood there, not moving,"Now, move, now, now!" She yelled at him.

He jumped at the sound of her voice and went running towards the door, "Not for nothing they call me Medusa" she thought to herself with a light smirk on her face.

She exited her office, and made her way towards the elevator, she pushed the button of Derek's floor, and waited for the lift to get there, Meredith made her way out of the elevator, and started walking towards his room, he was a VIP patient so his room was farther away than the rest, when she got to his door, Dr.Pichula, whatever his name was, and his interns, were waiting there, and so was his bodyguards that she got to know, Alex and George.

They let her in whit the rest of the Doctors, and when she entered she saw that Mrs.Shepherd was sitting by his side knitting and Derek was doing some paperwork, she cleared her throat and got their attention.

"Good morning, please, Dr.Merluza present." Meredith said.

"It's Dr.DeLuca, Dr.Grey." he said with gritted teeth.

"Wathever, present." Meredith said with desinterest, she just wanted to get out of this room as quickly she could, she couldn't stand the stare Derek was giving her.

"Derek Shepherd, five days post-op, doing good as expected, no sign of infection after his surgery, doing laps around his room and outside of it, he should be good to be discharged today." He finished.

"Well, as you heard Mr.Shepherd, you are good as new, I'll come by later to discharge you, Dr.DeLuca will get you your lasts exams so we can confirm you can be discharged, any questions?." Meredith said, adverting her gase towards his mom, and him.

"I thought his name was Dr.Merluza" Derek said with amusement in his eyes, and a playful smirk in his mouth.

"I'm not good with names, now, any questions related to your health or discharging?." she said a little bit anoyed.

"Does he needs some check ups after he leaves the hospital?." Asked Mrs.Shepherd, interrupting his son.

"Yes, he needs to come in four weeks, so we can check if his wound healed well." Meredith said with a kind smile towards the older woman.

"Ok, thank you for everything you've done for my son... The thought of losing him..." She shook her head a little,"I can't even imagine, so thank you so much Dr.Grey." she finished with teary eyes.

Meredith smiled and shook the older womans hand, she quickly left after giving some instructions to her resident, saying what exams needs to be done on him.

She was really grateful to be getting rid of him, or was she really getting rid of him forever...?
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