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Tw: mention of blood and torture.

Derek Shepherd was not a simple man, he knew that, his men knew that, his second hand Mark, knew that, his mom pretty well knows that, his dad didn't care, but he knew too. In conclusion, everyone knew he wasn't a simple man, including the entire US, and some places in Europe too.

He liked the things his way, and only his way, he didn't like anyone interfering into his plans, if something wasn't to his liking he killed it, or broke it depending on what it was, he just gets rid off of things he doesn't want, like right know, he was getting rid of something, well it was someone he didn't like, one of his enemies tried to attack one of his warehouses, tried being the key word because he didn't get very far, because Derek's men got him before he could do something with his team.

The guy he was now torturing, is named Finn Dandridge, he hates that piece of shit with all his might, even in high school, they hated each other, everything was a competition, who was the captain of the football team, who had the hottest date prom, who had the most girls panties, and so on, and so on, but now, Derek was getting his revenge, he just smiled every time Finn twisted in pain.

"Do you liked that?" Derek asked with a smile on his face, Finn just groaned in pain, because Derek was hammering one of Finns fingers with a hammer.

"You little piece of shit, I asked you a question!" He screamed.

"N-no" Finn barely answered due to the loss of blood and the amount of pain he was in.

"Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?" Derek said with a sinister smile on his face.

"Fuck you!" Finn spat on Derek's face.

Derek just looked at him, before he wiped the saliva with his sleeve, then proceed to throw three punches on his face and stomach, Finn screamed in pain, and started to spat blood, he was tied to a chair, every time Finn tried to move his hands, the rope got tighter around his neck.

Derek just smiled every time Finn did that.

"So now, you are going to give me some answers, but... If you refuse or lie to me about it, my friend here, Mark, is going to do so much worse than I already did, are we clear?"

Finn just mumbled something intangible.

Derek grabbed Finns hair, and roughly pulled it back "What was that?, I didn't hear you?"

"I said, it was cristal clear" he all but screamed.

"Better, now... Let's begin"

The Derek proceed to ask him questions about, who gave him the address to his warehouse, and a lot of other things, when Derek was done asking his questions, he just shot him on the head.

He rolled the sleeves of  his white shirt, that now had some stains of Finns blood, and got out of there, not before telling some of his men to take care of that piece of merda. He got on the back sit of his black 2021 Mercedes-Benz C-class, and his chauffeur stared driving towards his house, but Derek had other plans, he changed his dirty shirt, and told the driver to go to the nearest coffee shop, he was in need of a shot of expresso, and something to eat.

They got there, and Derek sat down, he unbuttoned his jacket, and relaxed a little bit while drinking his expresso, he was deep in his thoughts when the sound of the bell above the door rang, getting him out of his thoughts, he watches a petit, blonde woman standing in line, she is perfection, was the first thought that entered his mind, he watched her small, but curvy form from afar, she was wearing some Nike running shoes, some black leggings, a light black sweater, and for what he could tell, she was also wearing a sports bra, her hair was in a low ponytail, that was starting to come undone.

He watched when she got out her phone and started messing with it, then suddenly, his blue eyes, met her green ones, and all the air was that was in his lungs, suddenly left, his breath cought in his throat, and he couldn't look away, then he started checking her out again, but more detailed that before, when he was done, he directed his eyes back on her face, and noticed she was checking him out too, hmm, like what you see?, He thought cockily, he smirked at her, and he watched how her checks turned a deep red color, they continued to stare at each other, but right when he was gonna make a move to talk to her, the barista called her name to get her order, Meredith... What a beautiful name... He thought, with that, he got out of his sit, and got on his car, he waited for her to get out of the coffee shop, he watched how she looked back to where he was sitting and shook her head, she called a taxi, and he followed her in his car, he looked how she got out of her taxi and made her way to her building, now I know where she lives... He asked himself if it was a little bit stalkerish to follow a women he just met, well I didn't really met her, but I am a Don, I can do whatever the fuck I want, I get everything I want, and I want her, she will be mine, one way or another...he told the driver to take him to his home, so he could rest, he was awake since five in the morning but from yesterday, he hasn't sleep in 24 hours, now it was time he took some rest.

On the way home, he fell asleep, but what woke him up was the sound of a lot of gun shots, he instinctively grabbed his gun, that's when he realized his driver was dead and they were heading towards a cliff on the side of the road, he quickly jumped out of the car, just in time to see it go down the cliff and being smashed into pieces, he was trying to found shelter, but wasn't fast enough, they shot him in the stomach 4 times, and two on the chest, they quickly left him to die on the side of the road.

It was like 10 to 15 minutes, when Mark finally found him, he called an ambulance, and started to try to stop the bleeding, the ambulance got there, they asked Mark if he was coming with him, but he said no, he was going to met them there, they got him in the ambulance an took off, Mark called Caroline Shepherd, and told her to meet him at Seattle Grace Hospital, she asked why, and he said that Derek had been shot, he hung up quickly, and left with three men, the rest of them were left at the scene to recollect some evidence, and to deal with the police, the three body guards left with Mark to the hospital, when he got there, he waited with his three men behind him, O'Malley, Karev and Avery where their best body guards, O'Malley wasn't tall nor strong, but he was damn good with the guns, Karev was taller than O'Malley and more stronger, but he wasn't to good with weapons, but he knew how to fight, as well as Avery, they were the best of the best.

When Caroline arrived to the hospital, she and her husband Christopher went to the waiting room and went straight to Mark, he informed them about what happened, Christopher asked him if anyone had come out to give him some news about Derek, but Mark just shook his head at him.

When they finally got the news that Derek was gonna be ok, they all let go of a breath of relief, Dr.Grey informed them about the surgery and how it went, and how soon they were going to be able to see him.

When she left, a nurse came by, and asked who was going to stay with Derek until he woke up, Caroline with out thinking twice, got up, and went with the nurse, she forgot about her husband and her adoptive child, and went to see her baby boy.

While Mark and Christopher, tried to track down the group that had shot Derek.

I hope you liked it, don't forget to vote and comment.

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