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Derek was getting to his house, after five days of sleeping at the hospital, he was finally home, with his parents and some of his sisters, he got out of the car and went inside his house, well, it was more of a mansion, he liked to call it his fort, none  of his enemies could enter, the house was in a remote area of Seattle, it was really well hidden and he loved it.

He was going up in his private elevator, he was the only one who could use it, he makes little exceptions whis his mom, but that was it, he got out of the elevator, and went to his room, it was really quiet in the house,"they must be training out side." He thought with slightly pride in his men, instead of slacking around, they were still working.

He went to his bathroom, and took a shower, he finished taking a shower and re-did his bandages, he put on some boxers and some grey sweatpants, he grabbed a black shirt and went to his bed, just like Dr.Grey had ordered.

Flash back

Derek was waiting patiently in his room for Dr.Grey to come and give him his discharge papers, if it was any other doctor, he would have his or her ass fired immediately just by making him wait more than needed to, he was waiting patiently because of two reasons, one: he liked her, two: he wanted her to be his. That was it, he didn't need any other reasons to be patient, he was sitting in his hospital bed, dressed in some Adidas sweatpants, a white tight shirt and wearing some Alexander McQueen's sneakers, with his hair slightly styled, he still looked good.

Finally there was a nock on the door, "Come in!" He said, he was getting a little impatient whit her, not a lot, but it was starting to annoy him.

She walked in, she was wearing what you could say some street clothes, Meredith was wearing some thigt black dress pants whit a small belt in the hoops, she was also wearing a white loose shirt, with a leather jacket over it, and she was also wearing some Alexander McQueen's sneakers, just like him, with her hair wavy down to her shoulders, and some red lipstick, Meredith Grey was the definition of hot, "Damn, she is looking way to good to just be going home.",He thought with slightly jealousy, before she could say anything, he said,

"Are you going out? And with who?" He said with a straight face.

"Ummm, I'm sorry, why would I answer that ?" She said annoyed.

"Because I asked" he said with a scoff, "Now, I asked a question, I expected an answer" Derek said in a husky voice, expecting an answer from her.

"That's not..." Right when Meredith was going to answer him, no... Yell at him, the door opened revealing Mrs.Shepherd.

"Hi Dr.Grey, nice to see you again," said Caroline with a sweet smile on her face.

"Hi Mrs.Shepherd, good to.see you too said Meredith in her professional tone.

Now Mrs.Shepherd said to her son,"I'm sorry I'm a little late son, I had to get something from the house, I went as fast as possible."

"It's ok Ma" retorted Derek, with a light smile on his face.

"Well, now that being said, I just have some slight rules for Mr.Shepherd to follow at home" mother and son nodded their heads,"Ok, no exercise until you come back here in two weeks for your check, two: no heavy lifting, it could rip open your sutures and you could bleed out and die, and number three: strict bed rest, just for a week to be on the safe side, ok? Any questions?"

Both shakes their heads saying no, the Meredith proceeds to give Derek his discharge papers for him to sign, he signed them and gave it back to her, she took it and signed them too, "Ok, everything is in order for you to go, just sit on the wheelchair and a nurse or your mom can push you out"

He reluctantly sat on the chair, and told his mom to push him, they where nearly out of the door, when he told Alex, to tell Avery to follow Dr.Grey to whenever she went, with that he got to the private entrance of the hospital, and got on his car.

End of the flash back.

Now back in his room, he was doing some paperwork, thinking about what Meredith could be doing right now, he was startled when his phone rang, he looked at the ID and answered when he saw that it was Jackson.

"What is it Avery?"

"Just telling you sir, that she likes to drink tequila like water."

"Is she doing something stupid?"

Jackson hesitated to reply,"Well, some guys came to her but she shoot them down."

Derek was getting mad when he said that some guys were trying to take advantage of her, but the calmed down when he heard she shoot them down.

"Good, good, make sure she gets home safe, and alone, am I making my self clear Aver?"

"Yes sir, cristal clear."

"Good." Without saying anything else, he ended the call, but then regretted doing that, because he forgot to ask where bar she was at, if it was in one of his, he could easily check the security cameras, but he didn't want to call Jackson back, so he didn't do it.

He wrapped up his paperwork work, and settled into his California king size bed, it was way to big just for one person,
"Not for to long" he thought wryly, that was his last thought after the darkness consumed him in a deep sleep, with dreams of a green eyed doctor screaming his name while he makes her come.
The majority of this update was written in a party because I was bored.
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