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That's Meredith Dress, hope you like it, if you don't, please let me know, and I'll change it.

Enjoy the Chapter :)

Meredith hates shopping, she hates it with passion, she didn't see the point on going to a huge mall and walk around and pay a lot of money for shit she isn't going to wear again, that's why she prefers online shopping, but the matter was that the dress she liked, it wasn't available online just only at the store, and now you wonder why Meredith, who hates shopping, was going to a mall to buy a dress?, well it was simple, a gala, not just any gala, this gala was for the hospital, to get new investors for the hospital, so it was mandatory she attended, obviously it was mandatory, she was the head of her department, "sometimes I hate my job" she thought.

She got out of her car, and made her way towards the electric stairs those were going to take her to the store that held her dress, Meredith got to the CHANEL Store, and a lady greeted her.

"Hi, good morning, I'm Sally, what can I do for you this morning?"said Sally with a polite smile on her face.

Meredith reciprocated that smile,"I'm here to buy this dress,"Meredith says while showing her the picture of the dress on her phone,"I was going to do it online, but the site said that it was online available on the store."

"Oh, yes ma'am, I have it here, would you like to try it on, or just buy it.?"

"I would like to try it on, oh and I'm Dr.Meredith Grey by the way." She said, slightly embarrassed for not introducing herself.

"Ok Dr.Grey, if you follow me please, I'll get you the dress and you can wait in the dressers, I'll be right back."

With that Sally left Meredith alone in the dressers with her thoughts, she started to think back to yesterday, when Derek went to his two weeks check up, and how he asked her out.

Flash back

Meredith was in a conference room reading some charts and taking some notes when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" She yelled.

Cristina pokes her head through the door and said," Guess who's here for his two week check up ?" She said kind of excited.

" Who?"

"Oh, come on Mer, try" she all but whined.

"Was it a patient of mine?" Meredith ask, still confused to all the fuse her person is putting to him.

"It's McDreamy Mer, the guy you took out some bullets from his stomach, and I took out some of his chest." Cristina rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Whose Mc... What was that ?"

"McDreamy Mer, god, for being one of the most important surgeons of the country, you're really forgetful about your patients" she all but groaned.

" Ohhh, you mean Mr.Shepherd"
Meredith said, now in an understanding voice.

"Yes Mer," now in a mocking voice she said "Mr.Shepherd is here for his check up with you."

"Crap, I totally forgot about that."

"Fuck, you're pretty brainless sometimes Mer" she said chuckling.

"Fuck you bitch!" Said Meredith while throwing at her a pen.

Cristina ducked in time to avoid the flying object,"Really Mer, a pen?, That's all you've got?"

"Shut it whore, I was in a good mood, now you ruined."

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