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When Meredith entered the room the first thing she saw, was him pacing the small exam room, with his button up shirt untucked, and all the buttons undone, leaving his upper body bare to her to fest on, she bit her lip, and looked at him talking on the phone, but it wasn't English, it sounded more like Italian, but she wasn't so sure, the only languages she knows are English and Spanish.

He hadn't seen her yet, so she cleared her throat to get his attention.

"Merda!," She clearing her throat had clearly startled him, "ti chiamo dopo."

He turned to her with smirk on his face.

"I didn't hear you come in."

Meredith cleared her throat again,"You were busy talking on your phone to notice me."

"I'm never to busy to notice you." He said making her blush.

"Yeah, ok... Umm, can you please lay back, I need to take your stitches out."

He laid back on the exam table, and she started her exam, she finished the exam and started to prepare the things to get the stitches out.

"Do you want some numb cream?"

"No, just take them out."

"Are you sure ?, It may hurt."

"I'm a big boy, I can take it." He said, with a smirk on his face.

"Ok, I'm gonna start."

She was taking out the stitches, and she noticed he didn't even wince in pain, "he must have high pain tolerance... Obviously he has it, he's a Mafia Leader after all...". With that las thought she finished taking out the stitches, she put some bandages on his scars just for precaution.

"All done Mr.Shepherd." she murmured while taking off her gloves and throwing them.

"Mr.Shepherd?." He asked confused.

She just nodded her head, while she was written some final notes on his chart.

"Last night it was Derek, or well, sir." He finished with a teasing smirk on his face.

"I-." She couldn't finish because he interrupted her.

"What?, Cat got your tongue again princess?. " He smirked at her.

"No," she said with narrowed eyes, "I was going to say, that I think yesterday was a mistake, it shouldn't have happened."

"What shouldn't have happened?, Me showing up to your apartment?, Or me nearly giving you an orgasm with my tongue?, Because both are fond memories I'd like to hold onto."

"Mr.Shepherd, this is inappropriate, I'm your doctor, you are my patient, this," she moved her hand between them,"this can never happen."

"Oh, so you want something to happen."

"No, you don't understand, we're not doing anything, we're not happening, we're not going out, or well I am going out, but not with you, I'm leaving you here, and I'm going to my work, you to whatever is that you do, so yes, that's it, you're going to continue with your life, and I'm going to continue with mine, got it?." She took a bid breath of air, and looked at him in the eyes, the next thing she knew, she was pressed against the wall, with his lips on hers, and her hands were trapped by his, up her head.

The kiss was rough, his tongue was begging for access to her mouth, but she wasn't having it, he pressed her harder against the wall, and she moaned softly, and thrust his tongue into her mouth, he explored the sweet cave that was her mouth, he tugged at her bottom lip one last time, and he let her go with one last peck on her mouth.

"I'm going to go, if that what you want," he said breathless, "but if that kiss didn't make you feel anything, I'd expect you not to go to dinner with me tonight, but if it did... I would be in the parking lot of your apartment waiting for you at eight."

He looked down at her one last time, and gave her one last kiss on the lips, before leaving her with her lips swollen, breathless, and horny, again.
I'm really sorry again, for not updating, but now I'm out of school, so I'll have more time to update.
And I'm sorry it's short, but I'll make them longer, I promise.

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