I'll smack you

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Nova •

'Nova Wren Halston you will come to our match and you will enjoy it, understood?' My two best friends in the entire universe stood in front of me at the front door, their faces holding stern expressions and hands on their hips in a sassy manor. I turned to my parents in the hope they would help me wriggle out of their trap but they had be back into a corner and I gave in.

'Fine I'm coming' I groaned and followed Mason and Dec into the car. Sitting in the back I was able to stretch out abit more and not have to listen to Mason complaining about every other car on the road for the entire journey.

'One direction, JLS or Take That' Dec read out the music options available to us and I sat forward in my seat poking my head in between their two seats and raising one eyebrow in Masons direction.

'Why do you have these?' Motioning to the CDs Dec was holding I watched as Mason turned a shade of red only ever seen on tomato's.

'Just Bluetooth your phone dickhead' Mason snapped grabbing the CDs from Dec and throwing them backwards almost taking my eye out on the process. Declan pulled a face at me and I giggled only annoying Mason further.

After another hour or so of driving, listening to Dec's awful singing and Mason taking about 5 wrong turns, we finally pulled up to the players entrance of Wembley. Giving the men on the gate our names and IDs we were finally admitted entrance and found a decent space to park. I climbed out of the car and took in my surroundings. There was nothing particularly nice about London on a grey day, especially not when it was the middle of September and starting to become ridiculously cold.

'Your highness' Dec offered me a piggy back and with a big grin I took it jumping onto his back, clinging onto his shoulders as he carried me through the car park towards the stadium. I jumped off once we were inside and waved the boys off. Heading down the corridor I searched for anyone I knew, I'd spent most of my days last summer and this summer here so after a few minutes of aimless wondering I was bound to bump into someone.

'Hey Nova! Your looking well' Gareth greeted me with a hug and I smiled up at him.

'Thanks, just finished uni so I'm feeling like a zombie' he chuckled at my joke before checking his watch and taking a few steps down the hall.

'I've got to dash but we'll catch up soon okay?' He hurried off before I had a chance to respond  so I continued on my way to the tunnel. Walking through the tunnel always filled me with adrenaline, it reminded me of all the times I'd been in the seats next to it screaming for Dec and Mason to come out then cheering them on throughout their numerous matches. Thinking about it, I'd practically grown up at Wembley and St George's training ground with the boys, most of them ending up being like big annoying brothers to me, emphasis on the most.

'Hey Nova! You sitting with us for the match?' I span around to see Annie and Tyla heading towards me big smiles on both of their faces as they strutted down the tunnel up to me.

'Sure' I grinned and we walked out onto the pitch quickly finding our seats amongst the crowds. Annie had a shirt with Kyles face on it, naturally attracting the attention of everybody around us as they suddenly clicked on to who she was.

'You know low profile normally means, not a t shirt with your boyfriends face on it?' Tyla joked and we all laughed, as Annie rolled her eyes and punched us both lightly in the arm.

'What about you Nova? Any love life?' Annie directed the focus of the conversation towards me and I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me, unluckily for me, it didn't.

'No, I'm just not interested honestly'I shrugged in an attempt to end this conversation but I knew these two and once they had latched onto anything like this, they weren't letting go until they had the answer they wanted.
The speakers in the arena suddenly came to life and the teams emerged, Mason and Dec giving me a small smile and a wave as they passed us.

'KICK THEIR ASSES!' I screamed much to their embarrassment and I giggled as their eyes went wide and they hung their heads low whilst continuing to follow the team out onto the grass.

'What about Jack?' Annie appeared at the side of my head and pointed down at one of the team members, I looked at him for a minute and pure irritation filled my stomach at the thought of him and his arrogance.
I turned back to Annie with a raised eyebrow and my lips pressed together.

'I'd rather shit in my hands and clap' 


'You did so well' I smiled at my two friends as they came outside to meet us, we were all heading into town for a meal tonight to celebrate the start of the new season.

'Would have been ever better if this douche passed me the ball' Mason brought Bukayo under his arm and ruffled his hair as he spoke.

'You weren't in the right position for it! Next time move back' Bukayo retaliated and Mason pretended to be offended, holding his hand to his heart and stumbling backwards.

'Don't worry Saka, let's leave these children to their games' I smirked at the two of them and wrapped my around around Bukayo's shoulder, walking with him in the direction of Masons car.
The car was unlocked and we all climbed in, getting ourselves ready for the drive into town. Once again Dec sat in the front next to Mason, myself and Bukayo in the back messing around with the heat massagers. I snapped my head up when I noticed another figure walking towards us and Mason sticking his head out the window.

'Yeah jump in mate were just about to go'

'Cheers geez' for fuck sake I thought to myself as Jack climbed in next to me, I was now wedged in between Bukayo who I loved and Jack who I most definitely did not.

'Didn't know you were here Nora' he knew how much I hated it when he called me that, it was a nickname he used on me back at school and everybody picked up on it.
I ignored him and turned my attention to my phone, clicking on Instagram and beginning to scroll through the posts occasionally pausing to like one.
Jacks finger emerged on my screen and began frantically scrolling and tapping I moved my phone away from him and looked up at his smug face.

'I swear to god, I'll smack you' I warned and he held his hands up in defence taking his own phone out and remaining silent for the rest of the drive.
Thank fuck.

Authors notes
We love sassy Nova! Let me know what you guys think!!!
L x

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