Shock of her life

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Jack •

'She said she'd been here' my arms were folded across my chest as I huffed, anxiously checking my phone again, still no texts, no calls, no nothing.

'Jack mate we're gonna have to go if she's not here in a minute' everybody was growing inpatient, even Dec and Mase had got onto the plane and given up hope. I nodded at Gareth as he gave me a sympathetic smile and headed back inside the plane.
Come on Nove where are you? I'd never known her to break a promise and if she said she'd do something she always did. Fuck it, she's not coming, I thought to myself and with one final check of my phone I boarded the plane.

'They'll be a reason she's not here' Dec smiled at me and I scoffed slouching down in my chair. This is why Nova and I don't work, our communication is god dank awful, sex is great, communication is not. I stared out of the window and was suddenly aware of a mass of brown hair flashing past the window.
My phone buzzed in my pocket but I ignored it, whatever it was I didn't care at this point instead all I could think about was why on earth Nova wasn't here, not only had she promised me but her two best friends. I closed my eyes and leant against the window.

'Sorry sorry I'm so sorry' my eyes shot open and there stood at the end of the plane was the mass of brown hair that had flashed past the window only moments ago.
Nova went straight over to Mason and Dec as they embraced her thanking her for coming and telling her not to apologise, she'll get the shock of her life when she comes over here. I took a quick look in her direction and locked eyes with her, she flashed me a apologetic smile as she shuffled over towards me but I looked away before she got to me.

'Don't be mad, I can explain it' now she was sat next to me, her soft hand placed on my arm which I quickly snatched away.

'Jack please'

'Save it Nova, whatever it is I don't care' she took in a deep breath and stood up again, wondering over to Mason and plopping down on his lap.
He looked over at me, a puzzled look on his face but I simply looked away from him, plugging my headphones in and falling asleep with my head against the window.


Mason •
Nova and Jack had always been fiery, but most of us had come to except that it was just the way they were, we never really questioned it. Nova came back over to us with the expression she always had when things like this happened, that defeated look that said 'what else can I do?' I gave her a sympathetic smile and wrapped my arms around her as she perched herself on my lap.

'Here sit' Tyrone stood up and patted his seat offering it to Nova who gladly expected, probably being glad of an actual seat rather than my lap.
Dec threw his grey blanket from home at her and she snuggled up, pulling her hair into two braids and getting comfortable.

'Now, face masks' reaching into her bag she pulled out a packet of masks Dec and I looking at each other with the same fed up expression.
Before we knew it masks had been thrown at us and Nova was a giggling mess in front of us. I had no other choice but to snap a picture for my Instagram story, I knew my followers absolutely loved to see pictures of her when they got the chance. Nova hated being posted on any social media having had to fight so hard for her privacy after her and Jack split all those years ago.

It wasn't long before she had fallen asleep along with most of the plane

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It wasn't long before she had fallen asleep along with most of the plane. Dec was drooling like a fool fast asleep in Novas lap which weirdly wasn't an unfamiliar sight at this point. I decided to go for a wonder and headed towards the back of the plane, passing by the rest of the sleeping team as I went. Midway through my mini adventure a hand reached up and grabbed me, pulling me down to the seat.

'Jesus Jack you nearly gave me a heart attack' I placed my hand on my chest as my pulse began to calm down again.

'Is she okay?' Jack motioned his head in the direction of Nova who was still passed out, I smiled as I looked at her, she was always so peaceful when she slept. Watching Nova sleep was one of the things Dec and I did when she moved in with us a few years ago, after her dad raped her. She had come running to our place bare foot, bleeding and wrapped in just a blanket. That night at the hospital the first sign of peace we saw in her was when she finally fell asleep on Decs lap, ever since then she'd always liked the sleep there.

'She'd be better if you didn't just ignore her like that' I huffed, Dec and I could never get to grips with why Nova always went running to Jack, even now we struggle but after seeing them together all those years ago and again now, they do just, fit together, most of the time.

'I'll go talk to her' Jack attempted to stand up but I pushed him back down by placing my hand on his arm, he gave me a puzzled expression but sat back down.

'This is the first time she's been on a plane since her dad did all that stuff on their holiday, just let her rest and talk to her when we land okay' Jack looked at me again, his eyes blank as his eyebrows lowered themselves down on his face.

Of course she didn't tell him.


'Nova chill what's wrong?' Her words were leaving her mouth so quickly they were almost inaudible.

'I-I I'm in the toilets, y-you have to come and g-g-get me' she broke down once again, I could practically hear the tears rolling down her cheeks as she stuttered her words out. Frantically looking around the training ground I locked eyes with Ben who can jogging over.

'What's wrong mate?' Ben always knew when something was wrong and ever since he joined us at Chelsea we'd become super close.

'I've got to fly out to Spain like, now' no questions asked Ben sent me on my way, whilst jogging himself back over to the team to tell them where I'd gone.
Somehow, by the grace of god, I'd managed to find a flight leaving that evening, booking Dec and I the last seat we waited for what felt like an life time for boarding, eventually getting on and heading to Nova.
I don't think my has ever tapped as much as it did whilst we waited to be let off of that flight. Once we were off of the flight we managed to pin point Nova and wrapped her in our arms.

'I-I it hurts' she clutched at her stomach as blood pooled at her feet, Dec ran off to find a Medic whilst I scooped her up in my arms holding her bridal style in an attempt to soothe her.

'We're here now, and I swear to god he'll never get his hands on you again'


'Shit man, she never told me any of that' everybody always had the same expression on their face when they found out about Novas face, shock, disgust, hurt, sympathy the lot, worst part of it being, Nova never wanted any of the sympathy, all she wanted was to be loved.

'That's probably why she was so long, you know, the panic attacks' I pulled my lips into a tight line and looked over at Nova who was now starting to stir on Decs lap, gently waking up and picking up her phone.

'Just, talk to her okay' with a final pat to the back I headed back in the direction of the others, ruffling Nova's now very messy hair as I sat down in front of her, placing my legs on her lap.

'I'm not massaging them' she groaned.

'I wore that mask, you rub my calves, that's how this works'

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