Alone and irritated

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• Jack •

Barely slept a wink last night, spent most of the silent hours tossing and turning in bed. Boosie night out? What on earth was that supposed to mean? When was this from anyway? I was beginning to think I really did know Nova like the back of my hand but apparently there's an entirely different side to her that I am yet to meet.
When we split up both of us just went completely separate ways, blocked on everything, never saw each other and loved entirely different lives. Mason and Dec did their absolute best to keep her hidden from both me and the media until after 6 months to a year, they finally stopped chasing her. I ended up with Sasha for pretty much all of those three years that we were apart and in all that time I probably only saw Nova once or twice; but everytime there was electricity between us, hidden smiles in each other's directions despite the way we acted around each other.
In reality I knew that there probably wasn't a great deal of truth to the media's stories, infact it was probably some loosely tied together story based around Nova being in the same country as James at the same time, yet here I was in the bed we were supposed to be sharing, alone and irritated.
Story of my life.

***Nova ***
Mason rubbed my back in an attempt to sooth me as I cried into his chest, Dec also sat with me holding onto my shaking hand.
That night I had gone out with a couple of my friends from university to celebrate finishing the year, Jack and I had been apart for a year and I could finally leave the house without being scared I'd get photographed. We'd decided to go to the only nightclub around and whilst we were out I'd bumped into James. We chatted for awhile until I felt a panic attack starting. James had taken me outside in an attempt to help me and eventually ended up driving me home.
That's all that had happened.
But this was so typical of Jack and I, he get so's fuelled with emotions that he never gives anybody a chance to explain before he just shuts them down and puts the walls up and to be honest I'm tired of trying to tare the walls down.

'You should probably get some sleep' Mason was right but I wanted to join them at this after party, there was no way I was going to let Jacks childish behaviour ruin my entire night.

'I did not buy this dress to not wear it' the pair chuckled and agreed, both of them beginning to get themselves ready.
I slipped into the gold dress and found my heals that where chucked somewhere in my bag. Thankfully my makeup had remained relatively unharmed by my tears to I simply touched it up and brushed through my hair.

'Here you go gorgeous for the nerves' Mase handed me a glass of champagne from the mini fridge and I took it, grateful for something to keep my calm.

'You need a photo for the Instagram!' Dec squealed like a school girl as he pushed me back onto their sofa and began snapping endless photos of me.
I joined him once he was finished and looked through them, settling on one I posted it with a cheeky caption. With that done we headed down to the lobby to meet the others.

Liked by MasonMount, Declanrice, philfoden and 78,000 others Nova-Halston: great to be back 🥂

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Liked by MasonMount, Declanrice, philfoden and 78,000 others
Nova-Halston: great to be back 🥂

'Wow Nova, you scrub up well' Phil embraced me in a small hug, resting his hands just above my bottom as I leant into his touch.

'Not too shabby yourself' I gave him a wink before we all began to leave the hotel and pile into the bus ready to go into town. Mason and Dec had launched themselves into a thumb war whilst I sat texting Amber, hoping she'd have some advice on what on earth to do with Jack.
Speaking of the devil, on walk Jack, a grumpy facial expression plastered across his skin as he brushed passed me to his seat next to Kane. I took a quick glance I'm his direction but he had his headphones in and head pushed against the glass of the window.

'Let him strop it out, he'll come crawling back' Mason was right, give it a few hours and a couple of drinks and he'll be back, saying he just needed time, it's always the same.
The bus pulled up outside a club and everybody began to pile out, I stayed back a moment until most of the boys had got out, as I stood a hand touched my waist causing my breath to hitch in my throat.

'Nova' was he serious? Right now he wanted to do this.

'Jack' I removed his hand from my body and carried on walking off of the bus in the direction of Dec and Mason who were waiting for me.


'Try this one' another shot was shoved in front of my face by an eager looking John as he giggled to himself, taking a sip of his own drink.
I rolled my eyes and attempted to protest but ended up giving in, the sharp tasting liquor stabbing the back of my throat as I swallowed it down.

'That was disgusting' I stuck my tongue out and shook my head from side to side in a bid to get rid of the awful taste, whilst the others all laughed and took videos of me.
We all did one final cheers with the last remaining shots and moved onto the dance floor where Dec was busting some very interesting shapes with a growing crowd around him.

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