Its abit um...small?

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Nova •

Amber and I finished yet another film and the time was headed for midnight. Stretching my legs out in front of me I looked to my left to see Amber already asleep on her sofa. I smiled at the sight of her and headed to the spare room where my things were. I crawled into the small single bed and got myself comfortable and picking up my phone to entertain me for a while whilst my brain was still far too active to sleep.
A loud buzz from my phone distracted me from the Instagram post I had lost myself in. I clicked on the Snapchat a picture of Jack covering my screen. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and I did my best to push them away attempting to ignore the way the picture made me feel.

Scoffing at the photo I took my own picture to send and turned my phone off

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Scoffing at the photo I took my own picture to send and turned my phone off. Anymore notifications would probably send me over the edge at this point. Finally my brain was ready for sleep and I closed my eyes.


'Nova wake the fuck up' I shot my eyes open to find Amber looking over me, a grin plastered across her face as she watched me groan.

'What do you want it's 5am' with a huff I sat up reaching across to the table where my glasses were, placing them on my nose I watched as Amber scrolled through her phone until she stopped and passed it to me.

'Didn't have you down as the type' she smirked and I gave her a confused look, slowly taking the phone from her and peering down.
The screen showed a picture of Jack and I getting into his car outside of Kyles house the other night.

'Where the frick did you get this?' I asked Amber, my stomach began to do flips as the nerves coursed through my body sending waves of nausea to my stomach.

'Relax, Tyrone sent it to me' I relaxed slightly and laid back down on the bed closing my tired eyes and going back to sleep. The sound of Amber leaving the room was the last thing I heard before eventually getting more sleep.


'We have to go out soon'

FaceTiming Dec and Mason only made me miss the times I'd travelled around with them for their matches even more. Their bright faces on my screen filled me with happiness as they spoke about their day.

'I'll be watching from the sofa' I grinned at the boys and they smiled back at me before turning their heads in the direction of a sound.
I focused my eyes on whoever was walking behind them, realising it was Jack and the blonde girl I had seen at the party last week. Averting my eyes I looked back at the boys who were now displaying awkward facial expressions.

'You okay?' Dec asked quietly and I nodded.

'I honestly don't know why you two hate each other so much' Mason shrugged and I gave him the evils as a response, him offering a small smile as an apology which I giggled at breaking the awkward tension.

We wrapped up the FaceTime, Amber shouting for me to hurry up and get ready. I jumped into the shower washing through my long hair and covering myself in the most divine smelling soap. Once I was ready we headed into town for a day filled with shops and buying things we definitely didn't need or could really afford.

'What about this one?' Amber held up a pink satin skin tight dress, it had spaghetti straps and small shimmers covered the front.

'It's a-bit um...small?' taking the dress from her I scanned the fabric, it was soft really soft actually, I could tell Amber was desperate for me to try it on so I headed in the direction of the changing room.
The dress hugged my body perfectly and much to my confusion, it wasn't small at all. I span around in front of the mirror and grinned to myself happy with the way I looked.

'Can I see now' Amber groaned from outside and I chuckled opening the curtain and standing in front of her, she eyed me and did a motion with her index finger telling me to spin around.

'If you don't wear that to the party when the boys come back your doing it wrong' I rolled my eyes in her direction and got changed again, purchasing the dress and following Amber into the next shop.

'Whyyy have you brought me here' I groaned, Amber had a smug look on her face as I stood in the middle of Anne summers, a significantly less impressed look on my face than the one I had when trying on the dress.
She wondered off into one of the sections of the store and I was quick on her heals.

'This would be nice on you' I looked at the piece of string on a hanger than Amber held up in front of me, one eyebrow raised in her direction.

'You know it pays to wear something nice once in awhile' with one final huff from me I gave in and began to vaguely flick through the various lingerie sets that were around.
There were a few scattered around that were slightly more modest and so I focused my attention on them. A matching white bra and panties were displayed on one of the mannequins, the set had delicate beading stitched in and a shimmering fabric covering the cups of the bra. Running my fingers along the clothing I remember the way Jack had looked at me the first time we ever slept together, all those years ago. He had gone out the day before to buy me something nice to wear, a set just like this one, and was so pleased with himself when it fit. That was probably the first time I had ever felt sexy, and that wasn't because of the underwear, it was because of the way Jack looked and touched me.

'Buy it' I jumped out of my skin at the sound of Ambers voice right next to me disturbing me from my thoughts.

'Jesus Amber I nearly had a heart attack' she chuckled at me abs directed her eyes back to the manikin.

'Get it' I sighed and gave in once again, taking my size from the table where the pieces were all laid out I went over to the cashier, paying and leaving.

'Come on, the match is on soon'

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