More than just meet her

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Jack •

'Right, bleep test' I threw my head back in annoyance as the coach ran through today's plan, dividing us into groups. We got into position and awaited the dreadful noise, our legs bolting at the sound. I reached the end line and slowed down my breathing easing the tightness that hard formed in my chest. We repeated the test three times until it was finally time to start the actual training.
We started with aim practice then drills and finally into the gym to stretch and wind down. We all sat around in a circle with our yoga instructor Mary doing our best to copy her motions.

'How the fuck do I get my leg there' Kyle whispered to me and I laughed gaining a stern look from Mary.

'Nah it ain't happening I'll actually shit myself' Kyle spoke louder this time causing the rest of the group to erupt into laughter.

'Come on its easy' Bukayo had seemingly mastered the move, his legs elevated in the air without the stretch band. He began to show off leaning backwards until John pinched his side sending him straight backwards onto the floor. Somehow we managed to finish the session and finally it was time for ourselves. We all headed in our different directions, whilst I stayed out on the floor, turning my attention to my phone.

'Ayyy there he is, top shagger' I turned around in my position to see Dec and Mason smirking in the corner of the room, making their way over to me once they'd seen me looking at them.

'She told you?' I asked with a raised eyebrow and they both hurt at out laughing, I wasn't entirely sure why but then again, I never was with these two.

'Of course she didn't, have you actually met Nova?' Mason giggled and I rolled my eyes at the pair.

'He's done more than just meet her' once again loud chuckled erupted from their mouths as they rolled around on the floor clutching their stomachs whilst they laughed.

'You two are actual children you do know that don't you?'

'They know' we all fell silent as we noticed Nova stood in the doorway, one hand on his hip as she lent on the doorframe.
I scanned her body, my eyes travelling up and down her curves, enjoying everyone of them.  The boys faces flushed red as they scrambled to their feet.

'Nova, we were just um-' they were scratching their necks as she walked over to us, the way her hips rocked with each step only sending my mind back to the other night. I tore my eyes away from her and looked back down at my phone.

'Come on idiots I'm getting hungry now' they began to walk out but Nova stopped, the boys carried on out of the room whilst Nova headed towards me, her legs standing in front of me as I looked up at her.

'Problem?' I stood up, even I towered over her small frame as she now looked up at me, her blue eyes shining in the light.

'If you tell anyone I swear to god you'll-'

'Don't worry, it was a one off, I ain't interested' I spat not appreciating the way Nova had attempted to intimidate me after everything I did for her that night.

'Already got another lined up have you' she scoffed whilst beginning to walk in the direction of the door.

'Obviously' offering a sarcastic grin I flashed her a shot of my phone screen which was displaying a picture of Sasha, the girl Nova had seen me with at the house party. She rolled her eyes and scoffed at me.

'Your a real dick you know that right?' Nova snapped back at me whilst walking out of the door and in the direction of the boys. 

'Fuck sake Jack' I muttered to myself as I turned away from the doors and headed back towards the showers. I needed to freshen myself up and clear this fucked up head of mine.

• Nova •

'He's such a dickhead' I groaned following the boys through the car park and into the car, we'd decided to head into town for lunch before we fly out to Budapest tonight.

'Your just now figuring this out?' Mason raised an eyebrow at me in the rear view mirror and I sighed leaning back in my seat.

'He's only trying to get a bite out of you' I knew Dec was right and the best thing to do was ignore him and probably not have slept with him but I wasn't about to say it wasn't good because it was.
We pulled up in the car park and headed into our favourite burger restaurant, once we had our food a comfortable silence fell upon us as we ate my mind still racing all over the place and the boys had noticed.

'Are you sure coming with us tonight is a good idea if your this pissed off at Jack?' Dec raised a good point, was me being this irritated at Jack only going to end up being a distraction for him and the rest of the team. I thought for a minute before finally answering.

'I'm thinking I'll just stay home honestly' I watched on as they both developed disappointed looks on their faces at my response.
I hated letting them down, these two had been like family to me for my entire life, we did everything together and this would be the first time I didn't go to one of their matches, but I think we all knew it was for the best.

'Come on, we'd better go' Mason sighed and we all stood up paying the waiter and heading out.

'At least come to the airport with us!' Dec begged and I gave in, climbing back into Masons ridiculously low to the ground car we headed back to the training ground where we would be getting the coach to the airport.

I text my friend Amber, she lived in Birmingham not far from the airport the boys were flying from and I'd been meaning to see her for ages. We had arranged for me to stay there with her for the few days that the boys were away which suited me perfectly, a few days with her were exactly what I needed to take my mind away from Jack and his stupid games.

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