so many questions

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'Jack please get off of me' finally Jack climbed off of my lap and threw himself down onto the grass of the training ground. I took a sip of my water and regained my breath after fighting with the man sized toddler for what felt like hours.
Watching the boys train was the best, especially when they played against their coaches who we rarely got to see actually playing the sport. I gazed across at Mason and Dec as they sprinted around the pitch shouting at the other team mates and pointing in various directions. Mason managed to catch the ball on his back heal, spinning around he booted it into the back of the net earning a cheer from everyone.

'Ha! I told you I could, you owe me a fiver' Dec groaned as a result of loosing their bet and they both began to make their way over to me.
Passing them their water bottles they chugged the water back and then poured the remainder on their heads. 

'Ahh Jacky boy, is someone tired' Dec teased Jack ruffling his hair and laying down next to him on the grass.

'Touch my hair one more time and I'll man handle you' Jack warned I frowned at the pair shaking my head as they began play fighting on the pitch.

'Man handle?' Harry burst out laughing to himself earning confused glances from the rest of us as some of the other boys came over to join us.
My attention was snatched by Jacks loud voice booming across the pitch.


'You have a seriously committed relationship to your hair' I joked watching on as he attempted to fix it with the hairband I gave him.
Harry leant his head on my shoulder as we watched Jack frantically playing around with his hair. I watched Harry as he pulled his phone out and began snapping pictures of Luke ruffling it up again, much to Jacks annoyance.

'Right that's it' in a matter of nano seconds Jack was up and chasing Luke across the pitch, the rest of us left in fits of hysterical laughter as the pair tackled each other to the ground.

'I hate this team' Jack grumbled as he laid back down on the bench, putting his head in my lap and legs on Harry's

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'I hate this team' Jack grumbled as he laid back down on the bench, putting his head in my lap and legs on Harry's.
I raked my hands through his hair and he closed his eyes relaxing into my touch and pretty much falling asleep.

'Oh so she can touch your hair but we can't, I get it, favouritism in the work place that' Jesse joked and I couldn't help the snort of laughter that erupted from my mouth at his words.

The boys went back to training and I headed off into town to meet Annie and Tyla for lunch. Finally after searching for ages I found a parking space and got myself into the cafe where the girls were already sat down.

'Hola' Annie gave me a hug as I walked over and got myself sat down.

'So, tell us everything'

With a sarcastic role of my eyes I filled the girls in with what had been happening between Jack and I, to say that they were shocked would be the understatement of the century. We ate our lunch and continued to chat, Tyla talking about how her and Cody were getting on since their break last month.

'It's just weird knowing we've both been with other people since then' we all agreed, Jack and I were in the same position having been apart for three years we had to try to get to know each other all over again and I was scared of finding something out I didn't want to know.

'Hey Sasha's here I didn't think she was coming' Tyla stood up and embraced Sasha as she joined us at the table. I smiled at her and she returned the gesture, does she know? I have so many questions.

'Are you girls going to the game tomorrow?' She asked and we all nodded, that reminded me I still needed to get my dress from the dry cleaners.

'Can't wait to be back in Wembley it feels like we've been gone for years' Annie and I had a mutual love of Wembley, we'd first met there, in-fact most of our friendship was based around that place so whenever we got to go it always felt special, especially when our boys were playing.
The girls began chatting about what they were going to wear to the after party but my attention was focused inside my head at the questions I had circling around me.


'No I hate that one take another' Tyla groaned at the photos we had of her in the arena and so once again we all began taking photos from every angle possible until she was happy.

'Your turn Nova'

'No im good actually' I attempted to get out of the awkward situation, hating having my photo taken, especially in a almost full Wembley arena.
Before I had time to escape I had been pushed out in front of the girls and their phones were pointed at me and so giving in I gave it my best shot.

'Okay that's enough' my hand covered their cameras as we walked up the steps to our seats and all began flicking through the photos they had taken.
I selected my favourite and sent it to Jack, making sure no one could see my phone screen.

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His reply put a big smile on my face as I locked my phone and turned my attention back to the girls who had somehow gotten into a conversation about their favourite type of snake

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His reply put a big smile on my face as I locked my phone and turned my attention back to the girls who had somehow gotten into a conversation about their favourite type of snake.
The game soon began and I loved every minute of it, watching Jack jog onto the pitch as a sub only made me turned on as he worked up a sweat. The final whistle blew and the boys once again came away as winners. Myself and the other girls made our way down the stairs onto the pitch to where the boys were all gathered in a big group.
I snuck up behind Jack and pinched his sides causing him to yelp whilst jumping and spinning around to face me, a big grin forming on his face when he realised who it was.

Jack bent down to my level, wrapping his arms around my waist and whispering gently in my ear waking up the butterflies, 'hello baby'. In one swift motion Jack had picked me up and flung me over his shoulder, I smacked his back and wiggled my legs demanding he put me down but to no success.

'Hey where are you going? We have the after party?' I heard Maguire shouting in our direction as Jack began to carry me out of the arena towards the tunnel.

'Got stuff to do' Jack shouted back whilst continuing to walk away.

'Don't talk about Nova like that!' Mason shouted and I scowled at him whilst shaking my head.

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