A match to play

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Jack •
Smut warning

'Oh my god shut up!' There was another bang on the wall as I held my hand over Nova's mouth, keeping my thrusts gentle and slow in an attempt to keep the noise down. 
I could feel the smile on Nova's face as she giggled at the sound of Kyle shouting at us for making too much noise. Her legs were on my shoulders, eyes rolled back into her head as she moaned out into my hand. Eventually I had no choice but to remove my hand in an attempt to keep myself and Nova stable.

'Oh fuck' I groaned louder than intended but quickened my rhythms as I watched Nova, her face a picture of true perfection.

'Jack I'm-' she didn't finish the words, instead a loud scream escaping her as I thrusted and rubbed her core with my finger in time with my hip movements.

'Shit Jack' I came soon after, spilling out into the condom before plopping down on the bed next to her and bringing her small naked body into mine.
I peppered a few gentle kisses along her shoulders and pulled the duvet over us whilst Nova began to shiver, the adrenaline leaving her body in a matter of seconds.

'Have you stopped?' A knock at the door was followed by John and Kyles mischievous faces appearing in our rooms, I made sure Nova was completely covered as they came wondering in.

'For now' we both smirked at each other and the two boys pretended to vomit whilst jumping on our bed.

'What do you want?'

'Press know about the pair of you' I frowned and leant over to my bedside table, grabbing my phone my notification screen has been flooded with news articles, clicking on a random one a large photo popped up, various pieces of writing covering it.

'You okay?' Nova's green eyes were scanning over the screen as I held it, I wrapped my arm around her shoulder bringing her closer to me as she read

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'You okay?' Nova's green eyes were scanning over the screen as I held it, I wrapped my arm around her shoulder bringing her closer to me as she read.

'Yeah, it's cool' Nova surprised me with her relaxed attitude, simply shrugging it off and returning her attention back to Kyle and John who were sprawled out across our bed like two children.
We spent an hour or so just chatting with the duo whilst they irritated the hell out of each other, much to Nova's liking.

'I will not tell you again, I'm not from fucking Sheffield' John slapped Kyle with a pillow earning a shocked look as Kyle jumped up and tackled Kyle off of the bed.

'What's your postcode then doofus' We watched on with laughter as they rolled around play fighting on the floor, John eventually surrendering.

'Okay we have this thing called football tomorrow and if you break my leg I'll break your face' Kyle warned as the pair stood up and made their way over to do the door.

'What's that?' John joked and with one final cheeky giggle, they left.

'No more fucking! I want sleep!' the door gently closed behind them, leaving Nova and I in silence as we remained cuddled up on the bed.

'I really am sorry about the way I acted on the flight, you know that if I had known' I wasn't really sure how to say what I wanted to say, I didn't want to bring up Nova's past unnecessarily but at the same time I couldn't help feeling kind of hurt that she never told me herself.

'I should have called you when I knew I'd be late, I just-' once again that hurt look appeared in her eyes, the look that she held when she didn't feel good enough, something I never ever wanted her to feel.
Pulling her into me I laid back and rested her head on my chest, bringing my arms around her to comfort her.

'You and me, we do this life thing together okay' the feeling of her cheeks rising as she smiled against my chest made me smile myself as I hugged her tighter to my body.

'Jack' a gentle whisper left her as a small kiss was pressed to my cheek.

'I love you'


The arena was packed already as we all wondered out for a minute. Being able to get used to arena before the match was one of my favourite parts of playing away, feeling the electric atmosphere of a packed stadium always made us perform better.
As much as I'd protested for Nova to come out with us she point blank refused, instead staying back with Gareth whilst the rest of us went out. I knew that deep down, a part of her was grieving for her privacy now that the press had found out about us and whilst neither of us had made an official statement yet, it was only a matter of time before we were pictured together especially been as this was our last match of the international break and there was a huge after party later.

'You've played in all three of these games, gone from 0 to 100 real quick' Tyrone nudged my shoulder as he spoke and I chuckled to him, it was true, ever since signing for Man City the boss was desperate for me to play at any given opportunity.

'Turns our skill doesn't have an awful lot to do with it' I gave Tyrone a sympathetic pat on the back and headed back down the tunnel towards Nova who was sat chatting to Gareth and Steve, one of our coaches.

'Hello you' she smiled happily as I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind, resting my head ontop of hers and swaying us from side to side gently.

'Mmm you okay bubba' she nodded against me and I pressed a kiss to her head in response, taking ahold of her hand and guiding us through the arenas back rooms, eventually finding somewhere quiet.

'Nervous?' I loved it when Nova was in the mood she currently was, wrapped up in one of my hoodies with leggings on underneath and just generally in a cute mood.

'Ready for anything me' she grinned and sat down on my lap wrapping her arms around my shoulders and resting them there.

'I'll be proud of you no matter what'

'Love you forever'

'Always and forever'

When we were together all those years ago, we had decided it felt strange saying I love you followed by I love you too, almost sounded like an unwanted agreement rather than the term of endearment we wanted.
Instead I had once said that I'd love her forever, to which Nova'a reply was always and forever.
Since then that had always been the way we told each other that we loved one another, cheesy I know but it was our own thing, nobody else in the world knew about it and that was just the way we liked it.

'You know, just because the press know about our relationship now, doesn't mean everything is uncovered' she turned to me, a slightly puzzled yet intrigued look on her face. I chuckled to myself and continued.

'Okay so they know we're in a relationship, but do they know how much you like it when my finger goes down here' I began to run my index finger down her chest, placing it in between her legs ontop of the fabric and pressing slightly.

'Or how loud you scream' she blushed and turned away, standing up quickly and regaining her grip on herself.

'Mr Grealish, you have a match to play now stop being a horny freak and go!' and with that I was gone, off down the seemingly endless corridors to find the rest of the boys, ready and raring to go.

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