Why would you be back with her?

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Jack •
Smut warning also this is a hella long chapter so please enjoy and let me know what your thinking! I absolutely love reading your comments ❤️

'Shit Nova'

My hands guided Nova backwards and forwards against me whilst I attempted to keep my balance on the wooden bench. We'd snuck into the changing room before the rest of the team came back in and whilst all I wanted was a cheeky kiss, turns out this little devil had other things in her mind.
Nova had her back to me as she rocked, both of us a moaning mess as the tension built inside of us.

'Jack I can't go much m-more' I stood up behind her disconnecting us for a moment before bending her small body over the bench and slamming back in.
My hips moved quickly against her whilst she arched her back and pushed back onto me in time with my movements.

'You feel so good' I groaned into her ear as I reached my high, the sounds of Novas moans and breaths filling the room as she collapsed against me. I held her tight whilst she regained her strength and pulled her dress back down and pants back up.
Watching her with a smirk she caught me looking and slapped my chest. The sound of the other boys coming down the tunnel could suddenly be heard and so I quickly got my joggers on and jumper pulling Nova down to sit on my lap and bringing her lips to mine in a slow kiss.

'Ew get a room' we pulled apart as the rest of the boys piled in, towels around their necks from the showers and the worlds strongest smell of shower gel filling the room.

'You coming over later?' I mumbled in Nova's ear, nibbling at her earlobe earning a hushed moan from her.


Mason and Dec made their way over to us, Nova standing up and jumping into their arms. I watched on happily, the way they all looked out for each other and had this sibling like friendship made me so happy, I just knew it was going to be hard work earning the boys trust again after the last time I was with Nova.

They headed off after Nova has given more a kiss goodbye and went off to whatever it was they were doing. Whilst I headed back to my place. The drive home was long, longer than I wanted it to be when all I could think about was what was waiting for me at home. I pulled up on the drive, nearly knocking over the bins.
Taking in one deep breath I got out of the car and into the house, loud music was playing throughout the living room as Sasha danced around in one of my shirts.

'Your home' she beamed as I walked towards her, turning off the music as I passed the speaker.
I was blunt with my reply to her, not wanting to engage in any real conversation.


'What's wrong?' Sasha took ahold of my hand and lead me over to the sofa, I detached my hand from hers sliding away from her.
There was no easy way to do this conversation, it was like Phil said when I asked for advice, I just have to rip the plaster off.

'I'm back with Nova' her face dropped, the sparkles that her eyes usually held began to fade.

'Why would you be back with her?' I could hear the aggression growing in her voice as she spoke, her lips curled up and eyebrows furrowed together.

'That's none of your business now, just grab your stuff and I'll drive you home'

'But we-'


She huffed, slapping her hands down on the sofa before standing up and going into my room to get her stuff. That night at John and Kyles birthday party when I finally told Nova I loved her I knew I had to cut things off with Sasha, not just cut her out if that situation but everything, the sleeping together, the appearances everything it all needed to stop. I'd told Sasha the next day, unfortunately that day Sasha and I got absolutely smashed and ended up back here together and I'd been trying to get rid of her ever since, whilst keeping everything running smoothly with Nova.

'You know, the press will ask me about us' Sasha was stood at the front door ready to go, her case was full to the brim with the enormous amount of crap she had brought with her each time she came over.

'Is that some sort of threat?' I headed towards her with my arms folded across my chest, taking deep breaths in an attempt to stay calm.

'Might be' she knew what she was doing, but this time I wasn't going to let her win.

'Just get out Sasha, and stay out' with one final huff she was gone.
I sent a quick text to Nova asking her to come over. I scrambled around attempting to clean up and making sure there was absolutely no trace of Sasha at all. I was going to tell Nova tonight but I atleast wanted to be able to tell her myself rather than her finding out.

'Hey, that was quick' Nova was dressed in a red summer dress, it had white flowers covering it and I loved the way it hugged her curves.

'I was at Masons so, only down she road' she shrugged and plopped herself down on the sofa, I joined her and brought her into my chest, running my hands through her hair.

'I need to talk to you' she sat up, a concerned look was developing on her face and my stomach was doing flips, the butterflies id done so well to suppress where back with a vengeance.

'I don't like the sound of that'

I explained everything from start to finish and by the end of it I thought I was going to die of dehydration from the dryness in my mouth. Nova was still, facing forwards the way she always did when she was trying to work something out. I gently placed my hand on her lower back, and she didn't immediately move away instead turning to rest her head on my shoulder.

'Y-your not mad?' I was confused, was she luring me into a trap and about to kick off, was she so mad she'd become calm or was she genuinely just calm?

'I don't have the energy to be mad, she's gone now and I'm here, that's all I need' she sighed and closed her eyes, falling asleep in my lap whilst I gentle traced patterns along her legs and covered her in a thin blanket.

Nova •

My head was resting on Jacks chest when I woke up, his right arm wrapped around my waste, the other underneath his head. I stretched my legs out and looked around the room, sunlight had begun to flow into the room as the sun rose. Lifting my sleepy head up I was greeted by Jacks tired face, his lips slightly parted and eyes open but barely. He smiled down at me and kissed my forehead, wrapping back of his arms around me and rolling us over so that he was spooning me.

'I don't want to do anything all day' his morning voice gave me butterflies, my skin becoming tingly as his fingers traced patterns up and down my arms.

'Mmm, you at least have to go to training' my words were mumbled as a result of my sleepy state, I rolled back towards Jack, burying my head under his chin and wrapping my arms around his waist.

'Only if you come with me' agreeing to go to training I sent a message to Mason and Dec asking them to pick us up in an hour. Jack and I got up and dressed before having some breakfast and cuddling up on the sofa whilst we waited for the others.
Once Mason and Dec arrived we climbed into the car and made our way to training, the session went well, all of the boys came away happy with themselves and their performances. Now it was the long wait between this session and Gareth announcing the starting group for the game against Poland next week.

'Drinks? My place?' Mason suggested having a few chilled drinks back at their house, we all agreed and headed that way.
An evening of actual chill and being relaxed sounded like every bodies idea of heaven after the last few weeks.

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